'All hat, no cattle'

By EDITORIAL  |  August 17, 2011

The editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, however, dissents. Several days ago, the single most influential print organ of the conservative movement surveyed the Republican field and found Perry, Bachmann, and Romney wanting, openly questioning whether they are the best the Republicans can do.

You do not have to read too closely between the lines to realize that the Journal considers Bachmann a ditz, Romney an opportunist, and Perry a lightweight.

The Phoenix could not agree more. The scary thing is that in the midst of the nation's ongoing economic collapse and intensifying political nervous breakdown, one of these bozos might actually capture the White House.


Not content to tilt toward the Islamist mullahs running Iran, America's alleged ally, Iraqi president Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, has condemned Syrian democracy demonstrators who are being slaughtered in the streets by the gangster Assad regime. Meanwhile, our allies in Pakistan are suspected of giving Chinese engineers access to wreckage of the Black Hawk helicopter that was crippled in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Remind us again: what are we fighting for?


AT&T wants to buy T-Mobile USA. No doubt the merger is good for the shareholders of both companies, but is it good for America? A letter mistakenly sent to the Federal Communications Commission by Arnold & Porter, AT&T's lawyer, confirmed critics' fears that AT&T will be on track to shed as many as 20,000 jobs and raise consumer rates, since it will face less competition if the plan is approved. The Obama administration should kill the deal.

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Related: Ransom Notes, Just a reprieve? Unless Republican leaders learn from the past, another Iraq is in our future, Strange bedfellows: The right and left team up on criminal-justice reform, More more >
  Topics: The Editorial Page , Iraq, Pakistan, Rick Perry,  More more >
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