"Deirdre Fulton believes the truth is out there," eh? Thank you for your Portland Phoenix piece on 9/11 truth (see "Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement," by Deirdre Fulton, September 9). Actually, even though 9/11 is a very complex topic and 9/11 truth itself could be the subject of very long studies, the essential fundamental message of 9/11 is very simple. It starts with an affirmation of the official narrative and a quick demonstration by contradiction of an inconsistency that dwarfs the story itself. (More at 911censorship.com.) It finishes with another epistemological question, namely how so many leaders appear to work against their vested interests when it comes to 9/11.
Since your article refrained from ridiculing and demonizing 9/11 truth-seekers, you may have offended very powerful and less-than-nice people. There is a distinct possibility that in the near future you will be made to understand that you made a big mistake and that you will find good reasons to promise to not repeat it. More information is available in the advanced web, at global-platonic-theater.com, on the 9/11 essentials.
Daniel Noël
Costa Mesa, California
Connecting dots from 9/11, Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement, Context: What teachers are for, More
- Connecting dots from 9/11
I read, so far just skimmed, your article on the 9/11 truth movement.
- Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement
This week marks the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
- Context: What teachers are for
How can it be called teaching if someone stands at the front of the class and delivers facts? A textbook can do that.
- Airport upgrades
Air travel choices have evolved.
- New film deepens 9/11 Truth effort
More than 50 people turned out on Monday evening to see 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out , the latest documentary from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), the non-profit activist organization that claims Americans don't know the whole truth (or even half of it) about the World Trade Center collapses on September 11, 2001.
- A decade of awful air travel
Celebrating the tenth anniversary of overzealous TSA frisking.
- American Idiot rocks out
As the crowd spilled in for Tuesday night's Boston premiere of Green Day's American Idiot , necks craned and fingers pointed, mohawked guys in their mid-30s and elderly couples jostled for their seats alongside teenage girls in plaid skirts and suspenders.
- The Narcicyst rises as hip-hop's preeminent post-9/11 auteur
Less than a year ago, the Narcicyst was on his way to a speaking engagement at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington DC, when customs hawks stopped him in his tracks.
- Commemorate 9/11 in your own way
Regardless of what you believe about 9/11, it is a day that deserves contemplation and commemoration. Here are some local events before, after, and on the 10th anniversary that will get your blood, brain, or heartstrings moving.
- A decade of turmoil
9/11 has become such a given — such a fixed star in American culture and politics — that as the tenth anniversary approached, it was easy to imagine we had somehow come to terms with the attacks.
- Cheney's latest crime
As if there were any doubt, the latest CIA scandal once again reminds the nation that whatever former vice-president Dick Cheney touched turned to slime.
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, Conspiracy Theories, 9/11, September 11, More
, Conspiracy Theories, 9/11, September 11, conspiracy theory, letters, conspiracies, 9/11 Truth Movement, Letter to the Editor, truthers, Less