9/11, Simple but dangerous

Letters to the Portland Phoenix editor, September 30, 2011
By PORTLAND PHOENIX LETTERS  |  September 28, 2011

"Deirdre Fulton believes the truth is out there," eh? Thank you for your Portland Phoenix piece on 9/11 truth (see "Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement," by Deirdre Fulton, September 9). Actually, even though 9/11 is a very complex topic and 9/11 truth itself could be the subject of very long studies, the essential fundamental message of 9/11 is very simple. It starts with an affirmation of the official narrative and a quick demonstration by contradiction of an inconsistency that dwarfs the story itself. (More at 911censorship.com.) It finishes with another epistemological question, namely how so many leaders appear to work against their vested interests when it comes to 9/11.

Since your article refrained from ridiculing and demonizing 9/11 truth-seekers, you may have offended very powerful and less-than-nice people. There is a distinct possibility that in the near future you will be made to understand that you made a big mistake and that you will find good reasons to promise to not repeat it. More information is available in the advanced web, at global-platonic-theater.com, on the 9/11 essentials.

Daniel Noël
Costa Mesa, California

Related: Connecting dots from 9/11, Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement, Context: What teachers are for, More more >
  Topics: Letters , Conspiracy Theories, 9/11, September 11,  More more >
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