"Whenever the big war comes, we just all unite," says J, a member of the X-Men and the SCAT corporation. "Fight the power. . . . I hope this never happens: if a cop ever kills one of the guys, I feel sorry for that. I hope to God that never happens. But if that ever happens, that's when we're all gonna unite. . . . We got enough ammunition."
"We got enough. We got enough," says Cee. "We are ready to fight the power, if it comes to that."
"And," says J, "we ain't scared to die, either."
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Young activists explore police department, Gang-buster bill gets dissed, Not so great X-pectations, More
- Young activists explore police department
There are three streets in Portland that police lieutenant Janine Roberts won't walk down alone, learned a group of interested citizens organized by the League of Young Voters on a visit to the Portland Police Department last Wednesday.
- Gang-buster bill gets dissed
A controversial legislative proposal developed by a secretive police group would send an individual to prison for up to 40 years if he or she is convicted of asking someone to join a criminal street gang.
- Not so great X-pectations
It doesn't bode well when one of a movie's supervillains has a Roman numeral for a name.
- Super friends
THWAK! I swing with my right fist, trying to connect with my opponent's face. In a smooth motion, he deflects my punch with his forearm, which is protected with a black and metallic-plastic arm gauntlet. I swing with my left fist, and am again knocked away effortlessly. I can see my reflection in his sunglasses, framed in white.
- Ask A Black Woman: Criminal intent edition
Ask A Black Woman: Why are Blacks committing all the crimes lately in Maine and doesn't this say something about Black people's natural inclinations?
- Food fights
At least it wasn't a home invasion.
- At a turning point
When Joseph Ponte was told that Maine's longtime corrections commissioner Martin Magnusson had once informed the Legislature's Criminal Justice Committee, after a dramatic hostage-taking, that there were "probably 300 inmates right now with a weapon in their hand" — and that nobody at the committee meeting seemed disturbed by this information — Ponte's reaction was "I would be extremely perturbed by that."
- Corporate prison bill 'carried over'
Although LD 690, A BILL TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR "EXILED" PRISONERS TO RETURN TO MAINE , was killed May 6 by the Legislature's Criminal Justice Committee, political activist Ron Huber, who had pushed it, declared "victory in Augusta" on his Facebook page.
- Review: Henry's Crime
If you had to compare it to a Russian classic, Malcolm Venville's mild comedy about a nobody (Keanu Reeves) who gets busted for a crime he didn't commit might suggest half-baked Dostoevsky or lightweight Gogol.
- Three-point stance
With Green Bay and Pittsburgh squaring off on Super Bowl Sunday, three things about the current state of pro football keep occurring to me that I'd like to share with you, gentle reader.
- Review: The Murder Trial of John Gordon at the Park Theatre
Who knew? Everybody knows about that frisky, independent start by Roger Williams, and the first bloodshed of the American Revolution with the burning of the Gaspee , but who knows about the dispute between the lowly immigrant Gordon family and the prestigious Spragues, which resulted in the last state execution in Rhode Island, back in 1845?
- A bankrobber downsizes
There's nothing like an art heist to make a journalist spout hyperbole.
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, Crime, gangs, X-Men