#Occupy Media

By JEFF INGLIS  |  December 14, 2011

By contrast, having several events — one for each of the many pressing issues of the day — is likely to get more coverage that is better at clearly explaining what's going on, because the message of each will be more specific and easier for a reporter to condense for broadcast.

There are a few bonuses to this approach. First, having rallies on different topics counts as varied subject matter, so the TV folks will be likely to cover more events. Second, every time there's a story about the Occupy movement drawing attention to the broken system we operate in, it draws more people to join the effort. And third, it is itself a manifestation of what Occupy's goal has always been — retaking control of the public discourse from the corporations, and returning it to the people.

Jeff Inglis can be reached at  jinglis[a]phx.com.

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