Another way to run elections

Letters to the Portland Phoenix editor, February 10, 2012
By PORTLAND PHOENIX LETTERS  |  February 8, 2012

Mainers now have the opportunity to participate in the first-ever national online primary that is open to everyone. Last week, the Secretary of State certified that Americans Elect collected the required signatures to place a qualified candidate for president on the ballot in November.

When I first heard about Americans Elect, I was skeptical about what it was, who was involved and what they were trying to accomplish. Once I dug further and met the staff and volunteers, I was excited to see people with such differing views come together to change a problem we all agreed on — that the two parties don't represent us. In fact, a January 15 Washington Post/ABC News poll found that two-thirds of Americans are open to supporting a qualified independent candidate. With this new online primary, the entire nation can weigh in on the issues we face and draft the candidates we wish to lead our country forward. This is a welcome opportunity for the American people to have their voices heard. This also the opportunity for truly brave and qualified leaders to stand up for what they believe in and not bow to the almighty dollar.

Americans Elect is for people like myself who believe that our two-party system has become more polarized, dysfunctional, and corrupted by the influence of money and power. Americans Elect is a tool to bring about positive change. It is up to us to seize this moment in history and vote for who we want as president, not for the candidates that have been chosen for us. We can make Americans Elect a success! With a two-party system that is already broken, we have nothing to lose. To sign up, visit

Christopher Kessler
South Portland

Christopher Kessler is the state volunteer coordinator for Americans Elect.

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  Topics: Letters , elections, ballot, Voting,  More more >
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