Answer her prayer, emo pioneers!

Letters to the Boston editors, March 2, 2012
By BOSTON PHOENIX LETTERS  |  February 29, 2012


Regarding your February 17 editorial ("Come to Jesus"), I'm sick of the Catholic Church sticking its nose into our government. We came here to get away from their BS, and now they are still trying to tell us how to run our lives. They need to shut the fuck up or start paying taxes. Period.



Dogs do not like to poop where they lay down — it's why crate training is so popular for young dogs and pups that you're trying to potty train (see "Demand Seamus Photos," Talking Politics blog post). They poop like that in confined spaces only when scared and distressed, or sick. Either case makes me hate Mitt Romney for what he subjected that dog to. In any case, it was a bad symptom that should not have been ignored!

I have to imagine the problem was not only the wind, but the swaying. Have you ever seen tall objects strapped to the top of a car? They get the worst of all the shifts in motion of the car beneath them. It's true that it's more likely that the dog stuck around, was forced back up to his scary crate to withstand highway-speed winds and fast curves, wound up at Romney's sister's place, nevermore pooped a crate, and lived happily ever after. (If so, though, then why are these contradictions sourced to Romney's own sons?)

But I think your demand is right on. It should be easy to produce photos of the kids with their beloved dog in the years following this incident. Just nip the whole thing right in the bud.

Expect more silence, though, and more crass and insensitive things to be said instead.



No band drove emo music like Brand New did (see "The Top 100 Emo Songs of All Time," February 10). They basically started the genre, and their music is still unparalleled in quality, thought, and production. Should definitely be number one on this list. Your top pick, My Chemical Romance, made a great album, but the pioneers deserve the respect.


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  Topics: Letters , Mitt Romney, emo, News,  More more >
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