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Furthermore, many of the new committee members are middle-class toilers far removed from either the high-finance circles of Maginn, Crate, Romney, and Healey, or the chummy veterans of past campaigns and administrations, such as Bain or former party chair Peter Torkildsen.

Maginn has been assuring these new party members that he will follow through on resources for local campaigns, and even skeptics like Brennan are cautiously optimistic he'll do so.

But they will also be looking for a greater voice on the committee's 19-member executive board; they may even demand one of their own as vice-chairman, a post currently held by Romney ally Jeanne Kangas. The battle for the direction of the state party is far from over. ^

To read the Talking Politics blog, go to David S. Bernstein can be reached at dbernstein[a] Follow him on Twitter @dbernstein.

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