Edwards and Cahill

By EDITORIAL  |  April 26, 2012

That kind of thinking is on display in spades in North Carolina, as federal prosecutors try to send Edwards to jail for 30 years.

Why not go after the big boys on Wall Street?

Because they can fight back — and because they buy protection.

Wall Street contributed to President Barack Obama's initial campaign, and now the pinstriped thieves are giving mightily to Republican Mink Romney.

It all goes to show that America has the finest justice system that money can buy, especially since the Supreme Court's ruling allowing unrestrained political contributions.

Emotionally, we don't have a lot of sympathy for Edwards's particular plight. But intellectually, the case against him, as well as Cahill, is an outrage.


The good news on Beacon Hill is that the state House of Representatives has reversed some proposed cuts to the budget of the Massachusetts Cultural Council and has sent a $9.5 million appropriation onto the State Senate for approval.

The Phoenix urges the State Senate to follow the lead of the House and approve the full amount. We also applaud the efforts of State Representative Sarah Peake of Provincetown, who — together with 60 other co-sponsors — fought to ensure that arts were not shortchanged in these challenging fiscal times.

Arts dollars are a powerful economic force. Cultural spending in Massachusetts easily outstrips money spent on professional sporting events. We look forward to the day when the legislature realizes that the arts are not a frill, but a vital part of the Bay State's knowledge-based economy.

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  Topics: The Editorial Page , Politics, John Edwards, trial
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