An article on this subject ("On Being Undead," by Jeff Inglis, October 26) needs to be done with great thought and care. I haven't read The Undead, but I did just correspond with the New England Organ Bank and they think many points were missed in this article. Speaking for myself, organ donation allows people to live who would otherwise not be able to. I am one of them, so I feel the need to speak up. Articles that cast doubt on whether people should consider being donors, or in this case outright call for people not to be, will have a real impact on whether some people die waiting for an organ transplant, or are lucky enough to receive one and go on to live healthy and productive lives. This is more than an abstract policy issue. In this case words really do have power.
Become a vanity organ donor ..., In your Facebook, Theology class, More
- Become a vanity organ donor ...
The styleless living crave your swag.
- In your Facebook
Facebook users have been notably vocal about their privacy concerns, and last week's blow-up over the change in the site's contract produced an outpouring of suspicion, recrimination, and protest.
- Theology class
My religion teaches me that I have a responsibility to work to create a better world for humanity and for all living beings in the world that God created.
- Not-so-progressive nightmares and the Buy Local survey
Deirdre Fulton's characterization of the nightmare unfolding in Augusta is accurate (" Progressive Nightmare ," March 18); her characterization of that as a "progressive" nightmare is not.
- Review: Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Near the end of this documentary a woman calls the pink ribbon of breast cancer-awareness a "made in China" tag.
- Using the Constitution’s protections — all at once
On the occasion of this week's 225th birthday of the US Constitution, I wanted to embrace our culture's all-or-nothing ethos, by not just exercising all of my Constitutional rights, but using as many as possible all at once.
- Power struggles
I suggest Jeff Inglis check the prism through which he views the world.
- At the hip-hop high school
In his new book, Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education , Sam Seidel describes a sign hanging at the juvenile detention facility in Cranston.
- The 13th Annual Muzzle Awards
A year and a half into the Age of Obama, we are learning a lesson we should have figured out long ago — that repression, once in place, is rarely rolled back all the way, and that liberals no less than conservatives are reluctant to give up power.
- 2010 Muzzle Awards on campus
Harvard and Yale universities felt the sting of the global economic collapse firsthand in 2009, as the endowments of these stalwart New England Ivy League members dropped by nearly a third. The schools didn’t fare much better in the free marketplace of ideas, either.
- Review: Love Ranch
A worthwhile tale might lurk somewhere in Taylor Hackford's latest, but this flaccid look at the early days of Reno's legalized bordello business takes a fictionalized approach to history rather than the more fact-based strategy that enriched Hackford's Ray .
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, research, organ donation, organ donor