The case for John Kerry

By EDITORIAL  |  December 4, 2012

The eight-day Hamas-inspired war with Israel did nothing to promote the cause of Palestinian statehood. No sooner had the United States brokered a peace, than the United Nations voted to grant the Palestinian Liberation Organization permanent observer status, making it a diplomatic equal of the Vatican.

The fact that the internationally recognized terrorists of Hamas have been voted the parliamentary majority by the Palestinian people seems beside the point to the UN. Giving the also-rans a seat in the international forum will do nothing to further the cause of a single, united Palestinian state. It will likely do it harm. As will creating more Israeli settlements in an especially sensitive area the West Bank, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged do.

In the wake of the last several days, it is clear that the best hope for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians is for America to re-engage. But with the leadership of both sides so radically out of touch with reality, betting on the US to make a difference is — at the moment — an illusion.

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