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Attack of the 50-foot Oprah

Why America’s most powerful celebrity should be more feared than loved
By MARK JURKOWITZ  |  February 9, 2006

BEWARE HER WRATH Just ask James FreyTo understand the depth, breadth, and reach of Oprah Winfrey’s power, consider an incident more telling than her recent public flogging of wayward writer James Frey, who betrayed her coveted book-club endorsement by fabricating chunks of his memoir, A Million Little Pieces.

On December 1, Oprah — who like Gandhi, Elvis, and Liberace is known simply by one name — appeared on David Letterman’s show, ending a 16-year hiatus that included her declaration that she was “completely uncomfortable” chatting with him. With Oprah deigning to end the much-hyped feud between them, Letterman — the late-night wiseass who was confident enough to seriously disrespect cable-news king Bill O’Reilly on a recent show — behaved like an awestruck schoolboy.

“It means a great deal to me, and I’m just very happy you’re here .... You have meant something to the lives of people. We’re just a TV show,” Letterman gushed before escorting Oprah to the Broadway premiere of her play, The Color Purple. Commenting on Letterman’s late-night kiss-up, Washington Post TV writer Lisa de Moraes observed that “Letterman had become that which he once mocked. An Opraholic.”

Letterman is by no means the first one to realize that the road to success — or forgiveness — entails planting a kiss somewhere on Oprah’s oft-fluctuating anatomy.

In the 2000 presidential campaign, George Bush made page one of the New York Times by going on Oprah’s show, firmly bussing her cheek and waxing confessional about his old alcohol problem. After Oprah was offended by a 2005 incident in which she arrived after closing and was denied access to the Paris Hermès store, the CEO of Hermès USA felt the need to appear on the show and make amends by trashing his own employee. On January 11, when Oprah called CNN’s Larry King to express support for Frey, King committed a major TV faux pas by letting the conversation spill over into the start of Anderson Cooper’s 10 o’clock program. When King apologized, Cooper responded with “even my mom [who happens to be Gloria Vanderbilt] ... was happy that I got cut off. Are you kidding, for Oprah?”

“Oprah, by making a single phone call, can throw the entire CNN schedule to the wind,” observes Robert Thompson, head of Syracuse’s Center for the Study of Popular Television. “That’s a powerful person.”

The 52-year-old Oprah, who Forbes estimates has a net worth of $1.4 billion, has amassed almost unfathomable power and influence through a feel-good empire of confession, redemption, and self-help magnified through the multimedia megaphone that includes everything from her talk show and magazine to her film company. By touting anything, from books to bras, she can inspire mega-mass consumption and move markets.

One of her few public doubters, author and cultural critic Chris Lehmann, recalls the 2004 show when Oprah bought 276 Pontiacs for her studio audience (without telling them that they would owe up to $7000 in taxes). “At that moment,” he says, “she could have given them an AK47 and told them to kill anyone.” He attributes her incredible success to the idea that “she’s cleared out this kind of therapist-priest space in the culture” and combined it with “a cult of personality.”

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28 Comments / Add Comment


whoa!! right on!! oprah uppy!! (opry..? uprah..?)
Posted: February 10 2006 at 8:56 AM


right on! i believe she is a self serving fraud.
Posted: February 10 2006 at 12:28 PM


I've been heeding the warnings of the Oprah mind set for years!!! It's refreshing to see some writers in the media coming around and expressing their thoughts and ideas.David Letterman was one of my idols and a role model.And it was extremely disheartining to see the complete kiss up fest(a polite referal to what actually transpired),that transpired.Ultimately I ended up turning off Dave after 15 minutes of watching a legend collapse before my eyes!
Posted: February 12 2006 at 4:12 PM


This article is so stupid! I don't understand how anyone can trash Oprah. This woman has helped millions of people, millions. I suppose Oprah haters are going to feed and clothe orphans in South Africa? I suppose Oprah haters are going to give houses to poor single mothers? I suppose Oprah haters are going to put countless kids through college? And I suppose Oprah haters are going to encourage everyone to live their potential...yeah right. You all would rather humanity stay steeped in misery and self-denial than try to improve collectively as a species and as individuals.
Posted: February 13 2006 at 7:32 AM


I have to agree with the article. She is a bit better then Katie Couric at interviewing, but still most of the time has to interject how it relates to her everytime. It isnt all about you Ms O. Sure she has done good things, thank you, But Dr Phil ? who is that dork!
Posted: February 15 2006 at 5:50 AM

The Anti-Jurkowitz

First of all, I understand the point he was trying to make but "planting a kiss somewhere on Oprah’s oft-fluctuating anatomy" is just plain tacky. Also the writer should check his facts a little closer. Pontiac donated the cars - Oprah did not buy them for that audience. It was the best media buy any car manufacturer every made.
Posted: February 15 2006 at 5:54 AM

Brother John

Oprah has the brainpower of a dead cockroach.
Posted: February 15 2006 at 6:00 AM

Celeste Hughes

Oversized head, oversized ego.
Posted: February 15 2006 at 6:08 AM

Broad Daylight

The social peril of pop culture and of the Oprah phenomenon is its insistence on simple and obvious answers ... even for complex issues that require careful scrutiny, compromise, or counter-intuitive solutions.
Posted: February 15 2006 at 6:16 AM


the only way anyone gains their power and/or influence is by our choice; what oprah (or anyone else, for that matter) says doesn't mean it is so. i will grant oprah has good business acumen, but her self serving/sanctimonious style will be her downfall. with her ego, i wonder if she will ever realize she has human frailties as we all do
Posted: February 15 2006 at 6:30 AM
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