Collins backs torture
I think that the Portland Phoenix has done a good job with its series of articles on torture (see, most recently, "Time for a Clean Sweep?" by Lance Tapley, July 25). I believe the allegations of torture in Maine prisons.

I am writing about torture around the world that I think is related to possible torture in Maine prisons. Indeed I believe that a person familiar with a Maine prison said that techniques used in Maine have been used by our government on prisoners in foreign lands.

We people in Maine can do something very concrete on November 4. Susan Collins voted for the Military Commissions Act. I believe that this is the same as voting for torture. I know of no religion in the world that condones torture. I also believe that all experts say that no good intelligence can come from torture.

I believe that this legislation also allows Bush to go around the Geneva Conventions which I think are the greatest international human-rights agreements in the world. I believe that this legislation also took away habeas corpus (simply the ability of a detainee to question why he or she is being detained.)

I believe that Bush has allowed innocent children, women, and men to be detained and tortured around the world. At least one young man died as a result of torture.

I believe that the torture has included forced nudity, fierce dogs, a dog collar, shoving against a wall, extreme cold, extreme heat, sexual abuse, religious abuse, water-boarding, beating, pain up to organ failure, loud noise, sleep deprivation, and flying detainees to foreign countries where they are tortured.

I believe that Bush and Cheney have spread more terror around the world than they have combated terrorism. I believe that Susan Collins has supported them in this. I believe that Bush and Cheney have made Americans less secure. I believe that Susan Collins has supported them in this.

Yes, we in Maine can do something concrete on November 4. Please call your city or town clerk for the easy instructions to register to vote and to find out where your voting place is. I think that voting for Tom Allen for US Senator is taking a concrete action in this area.

Brian Noyes Pulling

  Topics: Letters , Criminal Sentencing and Punishment, Prisons, Susan Collins,  More more >
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