Night of the living dead

By ADAM REILLY  |  November 3, 2008

Next, consider how McCain’s critique of Obama has evolved. Earlier in the campaign, Obama was a celebrity, a smooth talker, a narcissist seeking the presidency as part of his quest for personal fulfillment. Now, however, the indictment is far harsher: Obama, the McCain-Palin campaign repeatedly warns, is an associate of known terrorists who’d like to turn America socialist.

Add it up, and ask yourself: what will McCain do if he finds himself staring defeat in the face next week, with a Rube Goldberg–esque sequence of legal and political outcomes his only hope for victory? Will he remember his campaign slogan (“Country First”), make a gracious concession call to Obama, and then urge his supporters to rally around their new president-elect? Or will he fight on against all odds, convinced that America’s survival lies in his hands? The Election-Night speech practically writes itself. “We’ve come too far and there’s too much at stake to give up now. My friends, we’ve got them right where we want them!” You heard it here first.

To read the “Don't Quote Me” blog, go to Adam Reilly can be reached at areilly[a] .

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