Philadelphia Story

By ADAM REILLY  |  October 1, 2009

Everyone knows that the future of journalism will play out on the Web. Knowing that and acting accordingly are two different things, however. Unlike, is a strong site — but that carries its own risk: a new ownership group might be tempted to stint on future improvements while making its mark on the paper instead.

What's more, if the Taylor group succeeds, they'll be hearing from plenty of newspaper-focused Globe alums eager to get back in the game and relive the good old days. Unless these would-be returnees can blog or write HTML code, it might be smart to keep their presence to a minimum.

To read the "Don't Quote Me" blog, go to Adam Reilly can be reached atareilly[a]

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Related: The New York Times Co.'s baffling Globe strategy, Through a glass darkly, Brave new Globe?, More more >
  Topics: Media -- Dont Quote Me , Brian Tierney, Philadelphia Daily News, Jeff Brown,  More more >
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