For city council

By EDITORIAL  |  October 21, 2009

That is also true of Arroyo, who would be only the second Hispanic city councilor in local history — the first being his father.

Arroyo has emerged as a savvy advocate in his own right, through his work as a City Hall legislative aide and as a labor organizer.

Arroyo exhibits a gritty grasp of such issues as education, housing, and public safety. And he knows how City Hall works.

Arroyo also has an intriguing idea: he wants to use community-organizing techniques to drive change throughout the city. If his campaign is any indication, that just might be possible.

Newcomers Pressley and Arroyo, together with incumbents Connolly and Murphy, could form the strongest at-large group in years. We recommend their election, and are eager to see what together they can accomplish.

Next week, the Phoenix presents its picks for mayor and district councilors.

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