Menino's promise

By EDITORIAL  |  January 6, 2010

New thinking is also needed when it comes to the development of the Seaport District and the Fenway: a window of opportunity has been closed because of the poor economy. Rather than try to micro-mange plans in a hostile economic environment, City Hall should invest in infrastructure, so that when conditions are right developers will bite.

Boston weathered the past punishing year in relatively good shape. The independent Boston Municipal Research Bureau, the city's premier watchdog group, gives Menino solid grades for his performance. It warns, however, that the challenges of the next two years are going to be even greater.

By dint of longevity, Menino has won a place in history. He has made his bones. If, however, he is to make a meaningful historic reputation and impress future generations with his accomplishments, he must make good on his promise to be open to new ideas in order to blaze new trails.

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