3. It is bad enough that Obama thinks his mistakes don't stink, and that Republicans would rather reign in Hell than compromise with Democrats. These sentiments, noxious though they are, are only symptoms. Voters — America's John and Jane Does — do not want to face up to the fact that for years they have been electing bozos to local, state, and national offices. Is it any surprise that these bozos perform like clown-school graduates?
Political discourse these days is too often callow, shallow, and crude. A culture of instant gratification has spawned an electorate that is immature, if not ignorant. The problems the nation faces have been 30 years in the making. They are not going to disappear within a year, no matter who is president.
Still, the public is justifiably anxious and understandably fearful. The left lashing out at a White House strategy intended to address middle-class anxiety may not be as pernicious as GOP nihilism, but it has the unmistakable stench of uncompromising sanctimony. That is a scent that rarely wears well.
Those heady "Yes, We Can" days that followed Obama's election and inauguration are sentiments from an almost-distant past. It is sobering to realize that things may well get worse before they get better — or stay bad for longer than anticipated. It is time to temper hope with resolve.
Does Scott Brown’s victory mean doom for RI Democrats?, Obama's year two to-do's, Reading is fundamentalist, More
- Does Scott Brown’s victory mean doom for RI Democrats?
Republican Scott Brown's stunning victory this week in the race for the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in Massachusetts has created something approaching panic in the ranks of Congressional Democrats.
- Obama's year two to-do's
This week marks the one-year anniversary of Barack Obama's inauguration. Can you believe it?
- Reading is fundamentalist
In 2009, liberals held firm control of the presidency, the US Senate, and the US House of Representatives. But there was one realm where conservatives dominated: the New York Times bestseller list.
- How is Obama doing?
In response to a question from Oprah Winfrey about how he would grade his time in office, President Barack Obama gave himself a "solid B-plus."
- An Obama confidant on the surge in Afghanistan
Twenty-four hours before President Barack Obama announced a 30,000-troop escalation of the Afghan War, one of his key foreign policy advisors provided a view of the president’s thinking at Brown University.
- Department of conjecture
The Haiti disaster will not serve to turn a state from toss-up to safely Republican as the George W. Bush Administration's calculated response to Hurricane Katrina did in Louisiana.
- Interview: Daniel Ellsberg
"By ordinary standards of presidents, Obama is a decent man. But those standards aren't good enough."
- Friends in high places
Speakers rarely get as warm a welcome as President Barack Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett received last Thursday at Harvard Kennedy School.
- What the health-care bill really means
On Tuesday, President Barack Obama signed the new health-care bill into law.
- Caprio's Clinton fixation
It was the highlight of Democrat Frank Caprio's bid for governor: an endorsement by Bill Clinton before an enormous American flag at the Rhode Island Convention Center.
- Review: Bangor artist Kenny Cole lights the 'Hellfire' at SPACE Gallery
"The Hellfire Story" is a tough pill to swallow.
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, Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Iraq War, More
, Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Scott Brown, economic stimulus, Economic Crisis, economy, Nation, recession, Less