The House side is a similar story. Already, two of the 16 Republican incumbents have announced that they will not be running for re-election, including Evangelidis; at least five more are reportedly considering a stab at another office.
Hedlund and Evangelidis believe that strong candidates are ready to keep those seats in the red column — if they're willing to work for it. "If any Republicans out there are thinking that, because of what happened [with Brown], they can just put their name on a ballot and get elected," says Evangelidis, "they're delusional."
That's exactly what some in the party are afraid of.
To read the "Talking Politics" blog, go to David S. Bernstein can be reached at dbernstein[a]
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, Deval Patrick, Deval Patrick, William Weld, U.S. Congress, Dianne Wilkerson, Richard Tisei, Robert Hedlund, Martha Coakley, Niki Tsongas, William Delahunt, Less