Impeach John Roberts

By EDITORIAL  |  February 8, 2010

This last line of reasoning may be absurd, but if it is, it is no more bizarre than the reasoning of the Supremes.

Almost as mind-bending is the great procedural and intellectual trouble the Roberts majority went to in order to make its sweeping and destructive decision.

Although Citizens United was a hot-button case, it posed a relatively narrow question: should a privately funded attack video aimed at torpedoing then–senator Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations be allowed to be distributed by its nonprofit corporate sponsor via on-demand cable?

In the course of the proceedings, some compelling arguments were made that distribution of the film should have been allowed. But that was not enough for the Roberts cabal.

Rather than issuing a narrowly based decision, the Republican majority twisted itself in knots to declare a vast body of settled law unconstitutional. That is the very sort of judicial conduct Roberts pledged before the Senate committee to eschew.

Roberts lied. He swore to be a strict constructionist and instead ruled as a radical activist. This is more than bitter irony. It is a political crime, a high crime, the very essence of an impeachable offense.

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