'Tea' is for terrorism

By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  April 12, 2010

And on May 1, a group ranging from Porter and Corsi to at least five Republican members of Congress will speak at the prayer rally on the Washington Mall.

Riled up
This past week, a group called Guardians of the Free Republics made news by sending letters to state governors, calling on them to step down — apparently part of a plan to re-establish what the group believes to be the rightful constitutional order. The letters themselves made no threats of assassination, but the FBI expressed concern that it could lead others to act violently on their behalf.

As crazy as the letter, and the group’s Web site, are, however, none of what they say particularly stands out from what dozens of others have been saying. Their rhetoric is barely distinguishable from any number of “legitimate” voices — such as Skip Coryell, the author/publisher/conspiracist who is leading the Second Amendment March in Washington on the charged anniversary of the Branch Dividian tragedy in Waco and the Murrah Building bombing.

Coryell’s event is being publicized by the NRA and other organizations well accepted within the GOP and the conservative movement, and at least two Republican members of Congress are reportedly scheduled to speak at the event. With or without the Guardians, there are plenty of groups willing to rile people up against the government, with the apparent blessing of the Republican Party.

To read the “Talking Politics” blog, go to thePhoenix.com/talkingpolitics. David S. Bernstein can be reached at dbernstein[a]phx.com.

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