Four matches and tons of free Pocky followed. There was "Intern Promotion Match" between the Hero Intern, a Nintendo-controller-strapped Hero trainee (likely inspired by the fact that most Studio Kaiju for-credit interns inevitably end up in suits), and a chubby turtle-like creature called Vegetius. (Hero Intern got promoted.) There was the "Pocky Tomb of Doom" in which the cactus-like seamonster Unibouzu forced a human-sized bee creature called Dai Hachi Hachi into a giant Pocky box by pulling a gun — submission holds were barred, but weapons weren’t. (Huge, foam pink-coated Pocky sticks got thrown into the audience, where anime kids wielded them like torches in a lynch mob.) There was the debut of a poisonous fungul character, Shrooma Tango, and the inevitable announcement that Pablo Plantain was, in fact, dead.
And then there was the final Kaiju Big Battel Championship Match in which reigning champ Dr. Cube fought against the enormous good-willed canned-good Kung-Fu Chicken Noodle. A full-on monster-on-monster melee broke out, Soup beat Cube, the uber-tuber Hero Silver Potato emerged after years of reclusiveness inexpicably to beat up a grieving Pedro Plantain, and I got strange goo on my shirt. Yes, in the end, Danger Did Happen.
Dream girl, Cooling it, Japanese-style, Double jeopardy, More
- Dream girl
Do films hold the power of dreams?
- Cooling it, Japanese-style
You don’t have to be in Fort Myers or Fenway to know that Japan is big business.
- Double jeopardy
Anyone who’s ever served on a jury can testify that courtrooms aren’t nearly as exciting as so many television dramas have made them seem.
- No plain Jane
Every generation leaves its fingerprints on Jane Eyre .
- A case of crabs
fThere’s nothing sweeter than family.
- Bring the drama
In the current œuvre of celluloid adolescent misadventures, it’s difficult to find a show that stands apart.
- War games
September 11 has featured prominently in books, movies, and TV shows, but video games have danced around the subject — until now.
- Touched by God
Last time, in a weakly alliterative moment, I promised that this column would return to the “dysfunction and doggy-do” of House of Carters.
- Houses of pain
Stay tuned, motherfuckers. Watch a preview for the second season of Meerkat Manor (YouTube)
- September 16, 2006
Waning moon in Cancer/Leo. VOC 8:46 pm to 8:15 am Sunday. Excellent ingredients for a wild night getting wilder. Water signs could surprise others (and themselves) by revealing hidden passion (boy, if that’s not a daytime soap title, I don’t know what is). Leo, you’re on the verge — why not leap? (Those born August 11–13 are learning hard lessons regardless).
- ID Check: The Best Thing Ever
It’s 11:15 pm on Monday night when Alex Billig enters the fancy men’s bathroom at the Top of the Hub lounge.
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Ultimate Lists
, Entertainment, Media, United Nations, More
, Entertainment, Media, United Nations, Darth Vader, Anime and Manga, Kofi Annan, Less