Click here for Psycho Solution!

Fill in each square in this grid with a digit from 1 to 9. The sum of the digits in each row or column will equal the little number given just to the left or above it. You can’t repeat any digits in a row or column. See the two-box row in the upper-right of the grid with an 8 to the left of it? That means the sum of the digits in those two squares will be 8, but they won’t be the same digit (i.e., there won’t be two 4s). A row or column ends at a black square, so the two-square row in the upper-center with a 14 to its left may or may not have digits in common with the 8-row to its right; they’re considered different rows because they’re separated by a black square. Down columns work the same way. It’s psychotic!
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