January 25 - February 1, 1 9 9 6

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***New York Tango Trio



This is a well-played and -recorded overview of tango styles by a group comfortable with a wide range of styles outside tango. Pianist Ethan Iverson has performed with jazzman Dewey Redman, and a close listening to his contributions here suggests he's quite happy adding improvised jazzy touches to traditional tango tunes. Bandoneon player Raul Jaurena has his jazz moments also but tends to keep these dances in a conventional mode. Any listener new to the erotic thrusts of tango would do well listening to this polished album. Those already smitten with the form, or those who like their musical eroticism well blended with manic-depressive theatrics, are advised to stick with their Astor Piazzolla albums. This is an album to provoke an intellectual interest in the tango -- not a recording to prompt fiery dancefloor seductions.

-- Norman Weinstein

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