[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
January 8 - 15, 1998


t h i s   w e e k

Industrial revelation
The manufacturing economy still exists. And it's giving out free safety glasses.
by Tom Scocca

Mouse calls

The Internet is improving our access to medical journals, support groups, and specialists. But is it improving our health?
by Tinker Ready


It's a sometimes murky crime, but two things are clear: People are dying, and the law is still playing catch-up.
by Sarah McNaught

Tracking an obsession

The states disagree over how to define stalking. And the experts disagree over how best to stop it.
by Jason Gay

c o l u m n s

Editorial by the Phoenix

It's a crime
The police department is about to be dealt a blow -- by the police union

Don't Quote Me by Dan Kennedy

Lost in the myth
The Globe bids Michael Kennedy an exceedingly gentle farewell. Plus, Szep and the Irish, and this side of parodies.

Talking Politics by Michael Crowley

Will Joe run?
A brother's death ignites talk of Joe Kennedy's return to the governor's race

[5] Ask Dr. Lovemonkey

a r c h i v e d   a r t i c l e s

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