[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
January 22 - 29, 1998


t h i s   w e e k

Estate's rights
As US marshals plan a raid, John and Rhetta Sweeney are leaving the country club set for new friends in the militia movement
by Ellen Barry

The Dilbert front

Pranks may be as old as flaming bags of dung, but this year, for the first time, mysterious organizations are publicly offering corporate saboteurs good money for their trouble. We have entered the age of subsidized mischief.
by Ellen Barry

Disregarding women

Roberta Edwards says she was fired in retaliation. The T claims it has a good reason. One thing is clear: Women at the T don't fare as well as men.
by Sarah McNaught

c o l u m n s

Editorial by the Phoenix

Family values
Gay and lesbian couples deserve the same rights as everyone else

Don't Quote Me by Dan Kennedy

Playing with fire
WRKO's new morning host indulges in some dicey race rhetoric. Plus, Matt Drudge's dumb luck.

Out There by Clea Simon

Girl power
The fine art of remaining a feminist while having a man kill all the spiders

City Hall by by Yvonne Abraham

United they stand
Massachusetts mayors have a message for gubernatorial hopefuls: Come a-calling now, or we won't play in November

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey

a r c h i v e d   a r t i c l e s

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