The media war
Documenting Milosevic's evil crusade was the easy part. Now comes the harder
task: Illuminating the way out.
by Dan Kennedy
NATO had a problem. Day after day, the televised images beamed back from
the Balkans were helping Slobodan Milosevic and hurting the Western alliance.
From Belgrade, the Serbian capital, came video footage of NATO-induced horror:
a smoldering bus, a bombed-out hospital, death and destruction at the Chinese
embassy. Countering that were long lines of refugees streaming out of Kosovo --
telling terrible tales of summary executions and mass rapes, to be sure, but
without pictures. In an era in which winning the war of the airwaves is
ultimately more important to achieving military aims than winning the war in
the air, this just wouldn't do.
Diplomacy for hire
Calling for peace
A dangerous chill
So the 60 Minutes broadcast of May 16 must have engendered a huge
sigh of relief in Washington, London, and other Western capitals. There was
Christiane Amanpour, perhaps the world's most recognizable war correspondent
now that Peter "Not One Comma" Arnett has finally been banished, walking
through a refugee camp with an official from the International War Crimes
Tribunal. And there, at long last, were the pictures to back up the refugees'
tales: an amateur home video of dead Kosovar men surrounded by crying women and
children. "These men appear to have been executed in cold blood, shot in the
head," intoned Amanpour. " 'Look how they've killed him,' this woman
cries. 'You have lost your father,' a mother tells her daughter."
Amanpour's husband, State Department spokesman James Rubin, couldn't have
asked for a more gut-wrenching, compelling argument for why NATO is bombing
what's left of Yugoslavia. That's not to say viewers were being manipulated by
a media-political conspiracy; Amanpour was a well-respected foreign reporter
long before she met Rubin. Still, it's not unfair to observe at this particular
moment how neatly the media's need for dramatic pictures coincided with the
West's need for justification.
Though the 60 Minutes report provided the kind of see-it-now video that
can move hearts and change minds, it wasn't really news, at least not in the
sense that news should tell us something we don't already know. Rather, it was
shocking confirmation of what we've been hearing since the beginning of the
bombing war in late March.
In fact, the much-reviled media have provided a steady flow of in-depth
reporting and intelligent commentary on Milosevic's war against the Kosovars.
That has to be counted as an unexpected development, especially after a year of
obsessing over presidential sex. But the media's coverage of Monica and
Milosevic has something in common, too: an over-reliance on official sources
and a lack of independent digging. Coverage of the sex-and-impeachment fiasco
was far more competent than most critics (especially pro-Clinton critics) will
ever concede, but too many other story lines were insufficiently pursued until
it was too late to make a difference: independent counsel Ken Starr's
prosecutorial excesses, for one; the Clinton administration's corrupt reliance
on Chinese-supplied campaign funds, for another.
Similarly, media reports on the Balkans -- at least those reports that reach a
mainstream audience and can thus influence public opinion -- have focused
almost entirely on the Milosevic regime's misdeeds and on NATO's efforts to
stop him. Though the errancy of NATO's missiles has been duly acknowledged, the
only media debate is between the hawks, who want the air bombardment to
continue, and the superhawks, who fume that Bill Clinton doesn't have the guts
to use ground troops.
There are other choices. Good thing, since the bombing isn't working and a
ground invasion simply isn't going to happen. What's needed now is for the
media to examine those choices in an honest, unemotional manner.
There is dissent, of course. It's just that it rarely penetrates the mainstream
-- and, when it does, it's treated as an entertaining sideshow rather than a
serious alternative. Partly, that's a reflection of our determinedly centrist
media culture. To an even greater extent, though, it's a function of the
critics' own shortcomings.
On the right, Pat Buchanan has inveighed against the bombing from the
beginning. That may impress the pitchfork peasants, but the nation-at-large
tuned him out after he delivered his ugly "culture war" speech at the 1992
Republican convention. Republicans in both branches of Congress have been
skeptical of the NATO war as well, but the way the House, in particular,
handled the issue -- with Speaker Dennis Hastert inert and majority whip Tom
DeLay twisting arms behind the scenes to prevent Clinton from receiving
congressional support -- drew nothing but scorn. Indeed, Washington Post
columnist Michael Kelly all but accused the Republicans of treason.
On the left -- the real left, that is, rather than the pale liberalism that
mainstream-news consumers have been taught to think of as the left -- outrage
against the war is high. But the quality of the analysis underlying that
outrage is low.
The essential problem with much of the left's critique is that, even as it
properly questions the results of the NATO mission, it trades away credibility
by questioning motives as well. Take, for instance, the Nation's recent
editorial calling for an end to the war. In the midst of making a well-reasoned
case, the writer suddenly blurts out that Mary Robinson, the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, has been a "beacon of clarity" because of her
insistence that "both Serbia and NATO be subject to investigation for war
crimes." Equating tragic mistakes with ethnic cleansing may be emblematic of
the sort of boutique radicalism the Nation indulges, but no one's going
to take it seriously outside Greenwich Village or Cambridge.
Just as offensive are the views of veteran anti-war activist Noam Chomsky. In
an essay on Z magazine's Web site
Chomsky argues
that NATO should "follow the Hippocratic principle: 'First do no harm.' "
But he prefaces that eminently sensible assertion with a tediously irrelevant
litany of US misdeeds in Laos, Colombia, Turkey, and Cambodia, and the
startling, unsupported charge that the US intervened in the Balkans in a
deliberate effort to "try to escalate the violence."
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), a left-liberal media-watch
organization, has sent out alerts complaining that Time magazine has
ignored drug-running charges against NATO's ally-of-convenience, the Kosovo
Liberation Army, and that the media haven't paid sufficient attention to
evidence that the Rambouillet agreement was unfair to the Serbs. Now, there is
more than an element of truth in both of FAIR's complaints. But a reasonable
person would conclude that Milosevic's genocidal rampage is of vastly greater
No wonder Ian Williams, writing in the Web magazine Salon,
unflatteringly portrayed the American "loony left" as fixated on "bizarre and
quixotic causes," such as Mumia Abu-Jamal. By contrast, Williams wrote, the
European left -- which for the most part supports the NATO campaign -- has
enjoyed both "power and responsibility," and thus "avoids the twin perils of
what passes for the American left: Clinton's covert Republicanism vs.
half-witted impotent sloganeering."
Liberal disagreement
The Times' Anthony Lewis vs. the Globe's James Carroll
Their journeys couldn't have been more different, but James Carroll and Anthony
Lewis have much in common. Both are quintessential anti-war liberals for whom
the Vietnam War was a life-altering event. Both are celebrated writers: Lewis,
a columnist for the New York Times, is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner;
Carroll, who contributes a weekly column to the Boston Globe, won the
National Book Award for his 1996 memoir, An American Requiem. Both are
based in Boston. And, yes, they are friendly with each other. Yet Lewis and
Carroll take opposite positions on NATO's bombing campaign in the Balkans.
Lewis, 72, is a wholehearted supporter of military action against the
Milosevic regime and has been since 1991, when he hung the "Neville
Chamberlain" label on then-president George Bush. In his May 15 column,
Lewis's only misgiving was that Bush's successor, Bill Clinton, hasn't hit
Milosevic hard enough. "The question is whether there is in this President the
political will -- the political courage -- to match the moral force of his
rhetoric," wrote Lewis, who favors following up the air strikes with a ground
invasion by 60,000 to 100,000 troops.
Carroll, 56, argues for an immediate bombing halt and Russian-assisted
negotiations. In his April 20 column, Carroll wrote that the NATO mission
does not meet the criteria of a "just war": "A violent response even to a gross
injustice is permitted only if the good likely to be accomplished is likely to
outweigh the damage that will be caused. The plight of refugees reveals that
NATO bombing fails that test." Given the alacrity with which Serbia accelerated
its ethnic cleansing of Kosovo after the bombs started to fall, Carroll makes a
good point. Too bad he gets so swept up in his rhetoric that he then adds that
NATO and the Kosovo Liberation Army should be investigated for war crimes along
with Serbia. Casting NATO's misguided effort as morally equivalent to
Milosevic's genocidal rampage is repugnant. Besides, why should Madeleine
Albright have to stand trial while that geriatric war criminal Henry Kissinger
is still at large?
Carroll's pacifism is not surprising given his background. A former Catholic
priest, Carroll was defined in his early adulthood by his anti-war activism,
the subject of his memoir. His father, Joe, was an ex-seminarian and Chicago
meatpacker who rose to become an Air Force general and head of the Defense
Intelligence Agency. Carroll, who became a priest in part to please his father,
ended up working against everything for which his father stood: he helped
students at Boston University, where he had been assigned, evade the draft; he
spoke up for the radical priest Daniel Berrigan; and he was arrested several
times at anti-war demonstrations.
A sometime poet since his earliest days at seminary, Carroll quit the
priesthood to write full-time in the early 1970s. He's published nine novels
but is best known in Boston for his journalism -- not just his Globe
column, but magazine pieces such as his 1996 New Yorker article on
Senators John Kerry and John McCain, Vietnam War heroes of different parties
and philosophies, and his 1991 New Republic cover story on Ted Kennedy.
Writing shortly after Kennedy's nephew William Smith had been charged with rape
(he was later acquitted) following a night of debauchery organized by Kennedy
himself, Carroll rejected what was left of the Kennedy myth in mournful,
elegiac tones. John O'Sullivan, in the conservative National Review,
sniffed, "James Carroll's article is a long liberal lament at his discovery
that the senator is a Kennedy."
Unlike Carroll's circuitous career path, Lewis's has been onward and upward
since his youth. He joined the Times in 1948, the year he graduated from
Harvard, and stayed there until 1952, when he moved to the Washington Daily
News for some minor-league seasoning. He returned to the Times in
1955, covering the Supreme Court and, later, heading to London. The first of
Lewis's three books is the best known: Gideon's Trumpet (1964), about a
Supreme Court case that guaranteed poor criminal defendants the right to a
Lewis was given a column in 1969 even though he was still the paper's London
correspondent -- an unusual twofer granted as a consolation prize after Max
Frankel, the Times' future executive editor, beat him out for the prize
job of Washington bureau chief. It was as a columnist that Lewis made his mark
as a Vietnam dove. In 1972, when Lewis was granted a rare North Vietnamese visa
and wrote a particularly controversial column while stationed there,
Newsweek openly questioned his "credibility as a reporter." His
passionate liberalism has long gotten under the skin of conservatives, from
William Buckley, who lampooned his "sustained anti-American euphoria" in 1972,
to American Spectator editor-in-chief R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., who once
labeled Lewis "twisted and hallucinatory."
Though Lewis has made a career of enraging conservatives, his oft-repeated
call for war against Milosevic has brought criticism from liberals and
leftists. Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, in 1993, rebuked
Lewis and his allies for using the terms "holocaust" and "genocide" to describe
Milosevic's actions. More memorably, a year later, the radical journalist
Alexander Cockburn derisively called Lewis a "laptop bombardier" (a term he
borrowed from the British journalist Simon Jenkins) and "the Tamerlane of the
armchair warriors."
Sadly, what NATO is doing in Yugoslavia today echoes a column Lewis wrote on
New Year's Day, 1972. "The world's most technologically developed country is
using all its skill in destructive techniques against a peasant population," he
wrote. "American bombing has left 20 million craters . . . the
`daisy' cutter bomb . . . has so far killed every living thing in
116,000 acres of Indochina."
The difference, of course, is that Lewis was horrified by what US forces did
in Vietnam. These days, he limits his expressions of horror to Milosevic's evil
misdeeds, blithely ignoring evidence that -- once again -- we are only making
things worse.
The most credible, and thus the most effective, of the leftist critiques are
those that focus not on NATO's motives but rather on the horrific results of
its poorly thought-through bombing campaign. Barbara Ehrenreich, writing in the
Progressive, and Katha Pollitt, in the Nation, both note that
regardless of what the West's intentions were, the result has been that we're
making war on the civilian population of Serbia while the Yugoslav army is
allowed to continue its terrorist activities against the people of Kosovo.
"Given how events are turning out," wrote Pollitt, "it would have made more
sense to skip the war and invite them [the Kosovars] to come here and drive
taxis. That's what the lucky ones will end up doing anyway." (Another
particularly eloquent antiwar voice belongs to author James Carroll, a
columnist for the Boston Globe. See "Liberal Disagreement," right.)
Unfortunately, the Progressive and the Nation are not really in
the business of changing people's minds; rather, they reflect and confirm the
views of their readers. So it was encouraging to see Daniel Ellsberg, the hero
of the Vietnam-era Pentagon Papers, pop up on the op-ed page of the New York
Times with persuasive arguments against both the bombing campaign (we
bombed Vietnam for seven and a half years with no effect) and massing troops at
the border in preparation for a possible ground invasion (Milosevic would
likely respond to that provocation by slaughtering even more Kosovars).
Ellsberg's solution: negotiations to send in UN-supervised peacekeepers,
including Russians. It's not everything that NATO wants, but it's the same
solution that Russia has been pushing, and Milosevic has indicated he would
accept it. It would save many lives. It would leave Milosevic surrounded and
contained, politically weakened by the demise of his promise of a "Greater
Serbia." Yet such an option is invariably portrayed in the media as a
As Matthew Cooper pointed out in the Web magazine Slate, NATO's
campaign is now more about saving face than it is about accomplishing any
positive good. That may not be a "war crime," as Mary Robinson and the
Nation seem to believe. But it certainly isn't a sufficient reason to
continue an ineffective military campaign whose main casualties are innocent
bystanders who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In both the United States and Europe, polls show that support for the NATO
bombing remains high -- a remarkable finding, given its ineffectiveness at
stopping Milosevic and the numerous mistakes that have claimed the lives of the
very people we're trying to defend. (And not just mistakes, strictly defined.
Consider NATO's indiscriminate use of cluster bombs, reported by the Los
Angeles Times' Paul Watson. These so-called bomblets often lie unexploded
until happened upon by passersby -- including, in one tragic case reported by
Watson, several boys playing in a field.)
Of course, when any nation goes to war, its leaders benefit from a patriotic
fervor that may wane as the body bags begin to come home. (Look at Serbia,
where even the anti-Milosevic opposition has sworn fealty since the bombs began
to fall.) But there's more to the public's support for bombing than mere
my-country-right-or-wrong sentiments. In fact, it is the immense evil of
Milosevic's enterprise -- thoroughly documented by the media -- that is
responsible for the poll results.
Middle America is greatly affected by broadcasts such as the 60 Minutes
report. But elite opinion in this country was shaped in large measure by a
highly detailed, 5900-word report on the front page of the April 11
the story, by R. Jeffrey Smith and William Drozdiak, demonstrates that
Milosevic's plan to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of its majority Albanian
population, dubbed "Operation Horseshoe," was developed months before the NATO
bombs began to fly. The Post reported that systematic executions,
expulsions, rapes, extortion, and destruction of identity papers had been under
way, at a slower pace, for quite some time prior to Rambouillet.
The article goes a long way toward countering the principal pro-Serb
arguments: that the Kosovars are fleeing
mainly because of the NATO bombs, and that the Serbs are no more to blame for
Yugoslavia's 10-year civil war than the Croats, the Bosnian Muslims, or any
other ethnic group. In fact, though there's been plenty of wrongdoing on all
sides in Yugoslavia, the Post's story shows that Serbia has been and
continues to be the region's principal aggressor. The effectiveness of its
campaign in Kosovo was documented on May 10 by the State Department. As
reported by the Economist, a British newsmagazine, more than 100,000 men
of military age are missing inside Kosovo, with many of them presumed dead. Of
a total pre-war population of 1.6 million to 1.9 million Kosovars,
600,000 are displaced within the province and another 900,000 have fled within
the past year. "This," the Economist notes, "would mean that barely a
tenth of Kosovo's ethnic Albanians are still in their original homes."
As Noam Chomsky and other leftist critics never tire of pointing out, what's
happening in Kosovo is no worse than what has happened or is happening in
Rwanda, Cambodia, Turkey (in its civil war against the Kurds), and other
trouble spots where the US either stood back and did nothing or actually sided
with the bad guys. These critics are not wrong, but they fail to acknowledge
the psychological power of genocide, or something like it, in Europe, just 54
years after the end of World War II. The sight of white Europeans being
rounded up and killed conjures up collective memories of appeasement and death
camps in ways that the horrors of Rwanda (where we should have intervened but
didn't) and Cambodia (where we intervened on the wrong side) never could.
Thus the New Republic's issues of May 10 and 17 were particularly
resonant. In the first, a cover story titled "Milosevic's Willing
Executioners," Kennedy School human-rights consultant Stacy Sullivan reported
on the deep-seated anti-Muslim sentiments of ordinary Serbs and argued that
Milosevic's years-long efforts to wipe out Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo were
possible only because they enjoyed widespread support. Sullivan deliberately
patterned her essay after the work of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, who, in his 1996
book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust,
wrote that the majority of average Germans held deeply anti-Semitic views and
participated eagerly in the Final Solution.
The second New Republic article was written by Goldhagen himself, who
argued that, after a decade of Serbian aggression, what is needed is
Milosevic's surrender and the Western occupation of Serbia. "As with Germany
and Japan, the defeat and occupation of -- and the reshaping of the political
institutions and prevailing mentality in -- Serbia are morally and, in the long
run, practically necessary," Goldhagen wrote.
In the face of such evil, it should not be surprising that pressure from the
political and media elites has been not to end the NATO campaign but, rather,
to escalate it, and even to consider the use of ground troops. Not only would
ground troops be less error-prone, say proponents (the New York Times'
R.W. Apple recently wrote that there's something morally repugnant about
NATO's deliberately risking a higher civilian casualty count so as not to
endanger the lives of its own forces), but they would be more likely to
accomplish NATO's mission: driving out the Yugoslav army and thus returning the
Kosovars to their homes.
The British, in particular, have pushed for a more muscular response. With
Prime Minister Tony Blair taking a forceful public stance, much of the British
and European media have turned on Bill Clinton as being too gutless to do the
right thing. Newsweek last week recounted some of the worst of it. From
Hugo Young, writing in the London Guardian: "Bill Clinton does not want
to lead. . . . We are witnessing, I believe, the slow
disintegration of American purpose." From François Heisbourg, chairman
of the Geneva Center for Security Policy: "He hasn't taken this war seriously;
he's a draft dodger." From Germany's Berliner Zeitung: "Clinton's chance
to go down in history as a strategic thinker is vanishing." Slate, in
its feature "International Papers," reported an "exceptionally tasteless" gibe
at Clinton's expense. The cover of the satirical magazine Private Eye
depicted Clinton in conversation with British foreign secretary Robin Cook.
Clinton: "I'm not going in -- it's too risky." Cook: "I expect you say that to
all the girls."
But since the beginning of the bombing campaign, "International Papers" has
also reported regularly on the German and Italian media, which reflect their
countries' ambivalence about the war and their absolute opposition to the use
of ground forces. It's fine to criticize Clinton as a wimp (it's true, after
all); but even if he were to transmogrify into a combination of Churchill and
Patton, he's not going to be able to lead a 19-nation coalition into a ground
war with no one but Tony Blair at his side.
In her 60 Minutes report, Christiane Amanpour asked this question:
"Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo have left in the last
month, and almost all of them tell the same story, the story of summary
executions, of being terrorized. Are tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians
lying, or is Belgrade lying?"
Clearly, the vast majority of Americans -- as well as citizens of other NATO
countries -- have concluded that it's Belgrade, in the person of Slobodan
Milosevic, that's doing the lying. What's not so clear is what should be done
about it. It's far too facile to blame the media for demonizing Milosevic, for
comparing him to Hitler and his policy of ethnic cleansing to the Holocaust.
Those comparisons are made because they're valid and necessary for
understanding what has happened in the Balkans.
But though the mainstream media have done an admirable job of explaining why
we got in, they haven't said much about how we can get out. Hitler-like though
Milosevic may be, he doesn't pose a threat to anyone outside the Balkans. The
media, by focusing exclusively on the plight of the refugees and the ineptitude
of NATO's bombing campaign, make it increasingly difficult for Clinton -- and
Blair -- to find a way out without losing face. It's time to listen to critics
such as Barbara Ehrenreich and Katha Pollitt and Daniel Ellsberg and James
Carroll. Daniel Goldhagen carries great moral authority, and his call for
occupation and re-education is a provocative challenge to the status quo. But
it's not going to happen.
What probably will happen -- only after more pointless killing, of course --
is a Russian-brokered peace plan and an international ground force to protect
the Kosovars and to contain Milosevic. Such a gray, morally ambiguous solution
will not be to the liking of the media, which see the world strictly in terms
of black and white. But it may be the best we can hope for.
Dan Kennedy can be reached at dkennedy[a]