Calling for peace
New England Serbs speak out against the war
Have the western "corporate media" slanted news coverage of the war in
Kosovo, and thus biased our understanding of it? The members of the
Serbian-American Alliance of New England (SANE) think so. The Newton-based
group contends that the bombing of Yugoslavia is unjustified, illegal, and
cruel, the product of misinformation and NATO's need to find a post-Cold War
role. SANE calls for an end to the bombing, a peace agreement that returns
Albanian refugees to Kosovo, and a "true political solution" for the region
negotiated by the United Nations and "parties that did not take active part in
the bombing and that enjoy friendly relations with the Serbian and Albanian
The media war
Diplomacy for hire
A dangerous chill
SANE has been leading weekly protests against the war every Saturday in
Boston's Copley Square. On May 19, Phoenix writers Michael Crowley,
Ben Geman, and Dan Kennedy and Phoenix editor Peter Kadzis discussed the
Kosovo crisis with three members of SANE: Miljana Bovan, Peter Mucic, and SANE
president Gordana Todorov, all of whom were born in the former Yugoslavia.
Bovan (who grew up in Kosovo) and Mucic (born in Belgrade) work in financial
services in Boston; Todorov (raised in Novi Sad) teaches mathematics at
Northeastern University. The following are edited excerpts from the 90-minute
discussion. (For the Phoenix's view of the war, see our
Gordana Todorov: As a mathematician, I analyze. So I see three issues
that one can discuss about bombing: morality, legality, and then, technically,
what's really happening. First, it's hard for me to understand that people
could see this as morally justified. People like to talk about tragedy on one
side, and they justify bombing with tragedy. I just don't see it. Next,
everybody knows that this was an illegal act. Bombing a country is illegal, and
I don't see how anyone can say that's not important. What kind of country do we
live in if you don't obey international law? Third, why is Yugoslavia being
bombed? Why are 11 million people terrorized by NATO every night and day?
Yugoslavia was bombed because it didn't want to sign the Rambouillet agreement
[signed by the Kosovo Liberation Army but rejected by Serbian president
Slobodan Milosevic in March]. But now anyone who reads that agreement can see
that it was not something anyone could sign.
Miljana Bovan: [The Rambouillet agreement] was just a dictate that was
imposed on both parties. The Albanians were told that if they did not sign,
they would be out of favor with the West. And for the Yugoslavian side it was
said, if you don't sign, we're going to bomb. The points that they did not
agree on could have been easily negotiated. The Albanians were given the right
to have a referendum on independence after the three years. What that meant was
that Kosovo could secede from Serbia after three years. That's a really
dangerous precedent. You might say that Albanians had the right to
independence, their natural rights of self-determination. However, the same
logic could be applied to various parts of the United States. Very few
countries would allow that.
Phoenix: How do you respond to the statement that the bombing
was essentially done in response to 10 years of Milosevic's ongoing
human-rights atrocities against his non-Serb neighbors in various parts of
what's left of Yugoslavia?
Bovan: As much as it was portrayed as a one-sided war, the war in
Bosnia was a civil war where all three parties were committing atrocities
equally. The side that really suffered terribly in this civil war in
Bosnia-Herzegovina is the Serbian side. We're talking about August of '95, when
a quarter of a million Serbs were ethnically cleansed out of Krajina in five
days. Very few Serbs remain in Croatia, and they have no protection. So just to
claim that the Serb side has the primary responsibility for atrocities that
were happening in Bosnia, [others] would say something totally opposite.
Phoenix: Why are hundreds of thousands of Kosovo Albanians
fleeing Kosovo now? Croatia is no longer at war. Serbia is.
Todorov: The fact is that before the bombing started and before March
24, there were no huge numbers of Albanians leaving Kosovo. So before the NATO
bombing, there was no ethnic cleansing. You cannot always make the one single
argument. There was no mass killing; there was no mass expulsion before the
bombing started.
Phoenix: And do you believe that there were no plans to do
anything like that? NATO has said that the bombing only accelerated what was
inevitably going to happen over a longer period of time.
Todorov: I really don't believe that that could have happened. People
who are not from Yugoslavia tend to believe that they understand Yugoslavian
people. I am from Yugoslavia, and it hurts me immensely when people talk about
how Yugoslav people hate each other. How they want to kill each other. You see,
we don't need anyone from America to come and tell us, you have to live
together. We know how to live together.
Bovan: Yugoslavia had a really strong democratic movement before the
bombing. If you remember two years ago, in the coldest months of the winter, a
third of Belgrade's population was on the street 24 hours a day. They couldn't
topple him. And to expect that this bombing will topple Milosevic is highly
irresponsible. It's not that the democratic movement had died in Belgrade
. . . [but] there is no way you can have political opposition in the
country that is being bombed.
Phoenix: Again, leaving the correctness of the bombing aside,
why are the Albanians fleeing Kosovo in such numbers?
Todorov: There's not a single one reason, and the mistake is to say
they're all fleeing because of the bombing. I mean, if you go and you watch TV
here, they're all leaving because of Serbs, right? The American media, American
TV paints one side. But there are several reasons. Let's just start with a
simple fact. If you lived in Pristina and you're bombed, would you leave? I do
not believe that it was a policy of the government. But it is very possible
that there were [independent] groups who were expelling [Albanians].
Phoenix: But what about the hundreds of accounts from
refugees who say they are terrified of the Serb army and are leaving because
they fear for their lives?
Todorov: How many of these statements are encouraged by the media? How
many get encouraged by the interviewers? Some of them are probably true. But
how many are encouraged? Also, the other thing is that you don't see all these
hundreds and thousands and thousands of them, you see just a few of them.
Peter Mucic: Is it possible that [Milosevic] is using the same military
strategy that the US army used in Vietnam, which was called pacification? Which
is basically, you come to a village or an area where the rebels have mixed in
with the local population, you tell the population that they're free to leave
Phoenix: It's entirely possible, and that's why a good case
could be made that the United States was guilty of war crimes.
Bovan: When people say that Milosevic is bad, they don't distinguish
between Serbs and Milosevic -- and then they bomb Serbs. We're talking about
Milosevic, and yet Milosevic is not being bombed. All the people are being
bombed; they're without water, they're without electricity. Can you imagine
children who for two months sleep with the bombs and sirens? It is not
Milosevic who has been wronged. He has probably at least a dozen bomb shelters.
It is the 11 million people of Yugoslavia. That also includes hundreds and
thousands of Albanian refugees. It is the humanitarian catastrophe, the
ecological catastrophe. It is catastrophic for those who are getting caught in
the middle.
Phoenix: So what do you think NATO's motivations are if it's
not interested in preserving human lives?
Todorov: It was very clear that after the disintegration of the Soviet
Union, there was really no need for NATO. NATO did not have a job. NATO found a
Mucic: They are going to buy planes and tanks. Who are they going to
buy them from?
Todorov: But it does have a solution. That is the thing. It does have a
solution. Stop the bombing. It is clear that as long as there is bombing, there
cannot be a negotiation. The only problem is the nature of the ground forces in
Kosovo. One thing that is not acceptable to the Yugoslavian government is NATO
ground forces. For God's sake, NATO had been bombing them for eight weeks
straight, killing people. The country of Yugoslavia will not exist if this is
continued for much longer. It will be totally annihilated. People don't have
factories, people don't have schools. They use 14th-century monasteries. So to
expect from this population to think --
Phoenix: What kind of force would you use?
Bovan: Neutral ground forces. And that, again, has been accepted by the
Yugoslav government, many weeks ago. We could have ended the war weeks ago, but
NATO is firmly standing behind it. For NATO to insist on its role in keeping
so-called peace in Kosovo, it really points in one direction and that is NATO
asking for survival. A role to play after the war is over. If NATO's purpose is
to protect minorities in the world, why wouldn't they intervene on the side of
the Kurds in Turkey? They are in identical positions as Albanians in Kosovo.
Absolutely identical positions. How about Serbian minorities in Croatia? Again,
Serbia has 850,000 refugees in this country. How about the Basques in Spain? So
what is -- I'm totally getting confused about their purpose.
Phoenix: But can you say a policy is wrong just because it's
not applied consistently?
Todorov: I just want to concentrate really on what's happening in
Yugoslavia and Kosovo. If you listen to the NATO spokesmen, can you feel
any compassion? There is absolutely none. They are only concerned about their
own existence. The whole Rambouillet agreement was set in such a way that the
Serbs couldn't sign it and so that NATO could have a role. NATO miscalculated,
they didn't realize what was going to happen, and now they're stuck. And they
cannot just stop. They have to do it in such a way that they save their face.
That's all they really care about.
Phoenix: What's the best move at this point?
Bovan: Stop the bombing, you know. Start negotiations. Help refugees
come back. That's basically it. Now, negotiations have to be with respect to
all the sides. And refugees should come back under some protection. The
protection has to be protection. It is not invading anyone else or scaring
anyone else.
Phoenix: If one were to take the position that this is a just
war, then that would be acceptable, just in the way that German civilians
suffered a lot on the way to getting rid of Hitler. The question is whether it
is a just war, and, therefore, whether this suffering of the Yugoslav
population is a proper thing. And that is entirely separate; that's an entirely
separate issue.
Mucic: So the justification is basically Milosevic? There's an
association being created between Milosevic and Hitler. The use of words like
"genocide", "concentration camps." They're trying to parlay all of this into
kind of a retro mood from World War II.
Bovan: What they had managed to do at the beginning, they associated
the war with concentration camps and ethnic cleansing by the Serbs, even though
it's been done by everybody in the war. It's only Serbs that walked out of the
war with those kind of labels. It became acceptable in our collective psyche to
pin everything on them and bomb 11 million people and that that is all
right, that they somehow deserve that because they're Serbs. It is my personal
belief that that's what happens after demonizing a group of people after eight
years. It becomes acceptable to punish them because they "deserve it." It's
happening on a personal level in our community. Very often in schools the kids
don't want to play with our kids because they're Serbs. I have heard of many
instances where teachers themselves in public schools, they say, you know,
Serbs really like to kill. And this entire idea of collective guilt has been
very fashionable, singling out a nation and making them responsible for
everything without taking into account the entire picture. Being a Serb here
and reading all this, it is extremely painful. It is as if you are constantly
being bombed with hate mail, left and right.