The Boston Phoenix
October 28 - November 4, 1999


The Rio World

DIY Brazil

A quick-and-dirty guide to local Brazilian life

by Michelle Chihara

photos by Geoffrey Kula


Mestre Chuvisco (Gutemberg Souza): First Church in Cambridge Congregational, 11 Garden Street, Harvard Square; (617) 983-3208 (ask for Concha).

The Rio World
Boston de Janeiro
For love of the game
Brazil's Billy Graham
Brazil's finishing school
Dance till you drop (the other guy)
A quick-and-dirty guide to local Brazilian life

Mestre Deraldo (Deraldo Fereirra): Brazilian Cultural Center,
130 Webster Street, Cambridge; (617) 547-5343.


Saturdays, 10 p.m.: Holiday Inn, 30 Washington Street, Somerville; (617) 628-1000.

Sundays, 10 p.m.: Venu, 100 Warrenton Street, Boston; (617) 325-7357.

World-music calendar (in English)


Games are on Sundays from November through March at Arlington High School in Arlington. They start around 9 a.m. and run all day.

Brazilian consulate

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