You might visit Vox Populi to be with all the pretty people, but take a look at the menu and you could start frequenting the place for its food. Especially if you begin with the sea scallops. Although plainly named, this appetizer is anything but ordinary. Two diver scallops, the largest of the cold-water variety and the foundation for this gastronomic creation, sit on a bed of field greens. The sweetness of the scallops finds its counterweight in the salty dollop of caviar resting atop, adding a pop to every mouthful. If the savory taste of the caviar doesn’t tempt you, maybe you’ll be swayed by the dish’s crispy boar bacon. The finishing touch to the seafood towers: just enough curled-lemon zest to complement and enhance — but not overwhelm — each flavor. Available for $9.99 at Vox Populi, 755 Boylston Street, in Boston. Call (617) 424-8300.