It used to be that there were only seven deadly sins: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust. But Hi-Rise Bread Company opened an epicurean Pandora’s box when it created the sin sandwich, an eighth and most fatal temptation. This evil edible begins with two fluffy slices of homemade brioche, followed by a generous helping of creamy Nutella and rich, deliciously dark Valrhona chocolate, a substance that can only be described as wicked, whether or not you’re from New England. Put it together and grill it, and you have a luxurious and oozing masterpiece. Eat it while it’s hot and get it all over your face, or wait until it cools a bit and the chocolate hardens inside. Either way, it’s well worth the indulgence. And when you talk to your personal trainer the next day, you can just say the devil made you do it. Available for $8.25 at Hi-Rise Bread Company, 208 Concord Avenue and 56 Brattle Street, in Cambridge. Call (617) 876-8766 or (617) 492-3003.