Erwin Ramos isn’t Mexican, but he cooks like he is. The executive chef at Olé Mexican Grill, Ramos and his brother Ranan opened the restaurant in 1996 to bring authentic Mexican cuisine to Cambridge. The kicker is that the Ramoses were born in the Philippines. But because Mexico’s culinary roots commingle with those of his native islands, Erwin has used knowledge of both to benefit us all. And it has. The brothers bring decidedly non-Mexican fare to Olé’s menu. Not a burrito or hard-shell taco is in sight — and that’s a good thing, because those Americanized versions of Mexican dishes might accidentally sway you from Ramos’s pozole Olé, a pork-and-hominy stew that will make you forget you’ve ever had it with beef and potatoes. A steaming, vat-like bowl of cubed pork, hominy, and broth comes with a side plate of lime wedges, diced red onion, shredded lettuce, julienne radishes, chilies, cilantro, and corn-tortilla crisps. Think Vietnamese pho, Mexican-style: you can add any accoutrements your palate can handle, and decide whether to eat it with a fork or a spoon. Pozole originated in Mexico’s Pacific coastal region and is normally served at Christmastime. Luckily for you, Olé serves it year-round. Available for $17 at Olé Mexican Grill, 11 Springfield Street, in Cambridge. Call (617) 492-4495.