And Tisei, if he wins, seems headed toward acceptance, and even some elevated status, within House Republican circles. The National Republican Congressional Committee has been an early and eager booster. As a Republican knocking off an incumbent Democrat in Massachusetts, he would have a cachet similar to that of Senator Scott Brown, if a slightly lower wattage.
He could be in a position to change minds, or at least speak up against bad rhetoric.
That's the theory, anyway. Plenty of others think this is all fantasyland thinking. Tisei, they believe, will be tolerated and accepted only as long as he keeps his mouth shut about gay issues. Looking at the current state of the party, that does strike me as the more likely scenario — but it certainly is tempting to hope that I'm wrong.
ON THE TALKING POLITICS BLOG: This week, David S. Bernstein marvels at the ineptitude of Romney's latest TV ad and answers reader questions at
Mickey Mouse Multiculturalism, GOP’s state convention delivers the bland brand, Going Gaga for gay rights, More
- Mickey Mouse Multiculturalism
Massachusetts treasurer and independent candidate for governor Tim Cahill was off base when he accused incumbent governor Deval Patrick of "playing politics with terrorism" in the wake of Patrick's visit to the controversial Roxbury mosque maintained by the Islamic Society of Boston.
- GOP’s state convention delivers the bland brand
Massachusetts Republican candidates for office this November might be well-advised to legally change their names and appear on the ballot as “Someone Else,” “Another Option,” or “Available Alternative.”
- Going Gaga for gay rights
Maine became a gay-rights battleground again this week, complete with junior-high-style political maneuvering and pop-culture madness.
- What's gotten into Egypt?
Being a dictator is a tough business. Just ask Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
- Fed up and low down
Just kidding. Of course they’ll lose.
- Sarah Palin wilts as Glenn Beck self-destructs
Common sense has bloomed among right wingers — not once, but twice. And while these episodes are unlikely to become regular events, we should enjoy them while we can.
- Will the Catholic Church kill gay marriage?
Rhode Island’s gay marriage moment has finally arrived. And the Catholic Church just might kill it.
- Down again
Here's a great idea for commemorating the 20th anniversary of Maine's last state-government shutdown in 1991: Let's do it again.
- Class (warfare) is in session
In case you haven't heard yet, the US Census Bureau just announced its findings from the 2010 Census, and even a small state like ours saw a noticeable darkening of the population.
- Don't do that
Republicans and libertarians share many similarities. For instance, members of both groups are generally equipped with bladders.
- Choosing sides
Over the next two weeks, New Hampshire will quietly transform into a proving ground for the Republican 2012 race to recapture the White House. At least 10 potential candidates, from heavyweights like Mitt Romney to obscurities like Fred Karger, are scheduled to visit this month.
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Talking Politics
, Politics, Richard Tisei, homophobia, More
, Politics, Richard Tisei, homophobia, GOP, gay rights, senate race, Less