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[This Just In]

Tales out of school


Cambridge School Committee member Denise Simmons — a popular, openly lesbian African-American who finished second out of six candidates in the 1999 election — has begun laying the groundwork for a run for city council. Three weeks ago, veteran councilor Kathy Born, who has served for eight years, announced that she won’t be seeking re-election in the fall. “Kathy is someone whose service I’ve admired for many years, and she’s shown incredible leadership,” says Simmons. “Her having announced that she will not be seeking re-election certainly opens up the possibility of running for the city council, which is something I’ve always been interested in.”

Simmons adds that she will decide in the “very, very near future” whether to pursue a candidacy. But she’s already placed a notice seeking a campaign manager (though she doesn’t specify what office she’s running for) on the email list of Massachusetts Democratic Future, a statewide group for Democrats under 35, and has been making calls to potential supporters.

“I think she would be a rather strong candidate,” says Clifford Truesdell, the former chair of the Cambridge Democratic City Committee. “She has a lot of name recognition now, and I think she’s done a very respectable job on the school committee.” He also points out that Born was endorsed by the Cambridge Civic Association, as was Simmons in her bid for the school committee, so those voters might be inclined to support her. Her candidacy may pose a risk to Councilor Ken Reeves, however, because they both draw votes from the black and gay communities. Reeves was once a top vote-getter, but slipped to seventh out of nine in the last election.

He insists he’s not concerned: “My general belief is that everyone in America should run for public office at some time, for the office they feel they can be most effective in. That would include any potential run by Denise.” He notes that two African-Americans have served on the council simultaneously in the past, and feels that could happen again. “I’m hopeful that the constituency I’ve established over more than a decade will continue to support me,” he says, “and I’ll be working and redoubling my efforts to be sure that they do.” In the meantime, Simmons is deciding her next move — but dreaming big. In an email to friends and local politicos last month, including several former and current members of the Democratic State Committee, on which she serves, Simmons filled out a questionnaire about her life. “If you could have any job you wanted,” it asked, “what would it be?” She said she liked her current job, but “would like to hold higher office” and — one day — maybe even “become the mayor.”

Issue Date: April 12 - 19, 2001