Boston-based Scout Productions hopes a roundtable discussion among Dicky Barrett (Mighty Mighty Bosstones), Kay Hanley (Letters to Cleo), Jen Trynin, Billy Conway (Morphine and Treat Her Right), and Joey McIntyre (NKOTB) will serve as the pilot episode for a syndicated cable-TV music program spotlighting regional music scenes across the United States and Canada. The five Boston music-scene stalwarts spent last Wednesday at the Embassy Club on Lansdowne Street discussing the city’s musical heritage, their careers, and various aspects of the entertainment industry for the first episode of Musical Chairs.
The biggest challenge for the show’s producers — whose Danvers State Hospital–based horror film Session 9 opens in Boston, New York, and Los Angeles on August 10 — is selling a network on a series featuring regionally known artists. " That’s the reason we picked the group [of musicians] we did, " says co-producer Sean Baker. " It’s an eclectic group of people who bridge the gap from a national success [McIntyre] to a local legend [Trynin]. "
Co-producer Dave Metzler sees the program, which will have an interactive Web site, as a Behind the Music–meets–Politically Incorrect way of showcasing a city’s music scene. Eighteen " lipstick cameras " built into the show’s set will provide an array of unique angles, allowing Web-site visitors to produce their own version of the program. The site will also offer information on the participating artists, clubs, and attractions, and allow visitors to order music aired on the program.
Wednesday’s afternoon session began with musicians and audience mingling in a relaxed coffee-bar setting as two dozen film-crew members worked to capture five conversations at once. The afternoon’s highlight came during a discussion of whether performers’ set lists should be loaded with hits or an artist’s latest material. Displaying the savvy of a seasoned sit-com performer, Barrett playfully coaxed a reluctant McIntyre into singing New Kids on the Block’s " Cover Girl, " causing some faces in the audience to melt before the head Bosstone’s mock screams stopped the performance.
" It wasn’t all about the music, " said program moderator (and FNX Radio Network news director) Henry Santoro after the taping. " It was about Boston as a city to live in and as a cultural mecca, and comparing it to other cities they’ve seen on the road. "
A localized version of musical chairs ends the program. After hearing a 10-second sound bite, participants have to name either the title, the band, the album, the year, or a band member’s name. After the Lemonheads’ " Big Gay Heart " brought blank stares, Mission of Burma’s " That’s When I Reach for My Revolver " started the elimination process before Juliana Hatfield, Human Sexual Response, and Cars classics brought things to a final battle between Conway and Hanley, who simultaneously leapt out of their seats to identify the Lyres’ " Help You Ann. " Producers hope you won’t have to wait until this season’s drama ends across the street at Fenway Park to find out who won — they’re aiming to secure a host network next month.