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[This Just In]

Go solar


Want to do your bit for the country now that we’re at war? How about cutting down on your energy use? After all, sponsors of terrorism, such as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, control a good chunk of the world’s oil supply. And in the wake of September 11’s terrorist attacks, the US Coast Guard has banned all tankers carrying liquid natural gas from Boston Harbor.

This Saturday, learn all about using the sun as an alternative energy source at Solar Boston’s sixth annual tour of solar homes. Solar energy " makes you independent from foreign oil, " says Leslie Grossman, program coordinator for Solar Boston. " If you are looking at energy use in the long term, it’s something that can provide you with savings as well as increase your security against price spikes. "

Cambridge, Medford, and Belmont houses that use solar energy to heat water and generate electricity will be open free to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday, October 13. Meet at the Porter Square Shopping Center at 10 a.m. To RSVP, call (617) 524-3950 or e-mail For more information, visit or

Issue Date: October 11 - 18, 2001