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[This Just In]

Finneran’s critics


House Speaker Tom Finneran has a lot on his mind these days — starting with North Adams representative Daniel Bosley’s pseudo-coup against the Speaker. The verdict’s not in on how many representatives will go along with a challenge to the Speaker, but now Finneran has something else to worry about — a snarky Web site called

"Do you despise Speaker Finneran?" asks the Web site’s homepage. "Do you cringe every time you hear about his strong-arm tactics, his autocratic arrogance, his conspicuous callousness?... Wouldn’t he be better suited as a dictator than as a representative of the people? Doesn’t he just plain suck?"

The Web site links to a series of news stories in a variety of local publications, including the Phoenix, that the Web-site creator contends serve the cause of "revealing [Finneran’s] suckiness to the world!" and urges visitors to contact Finneran and their state representatives. Finneran may well remain House Speaker, but he’ll retain his newfound critics on the Web.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the people behind did not respond to an e-mail inquiring as to their whereabouts.

Issue Date: December 20 - 27, 2001

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