Haikus for Mitt Romney
Teeth bright and shiny
Gel strips or whitening paste —
Which one do you use?
Where did you find your
Running mate, Kerry Healey?
" A dud, " my dad says.
My mother loves you
She prayed for your victory
I think you owe her.
Some say your win means
Mormons are hip. Please explain
Donny and Marie.
Gushing about Ann
In that ad. Was that to prove
You had just one wife?
What kind of a name
Is Mitt Romney anyway?
Please trim your eyebrows.
Others have compared
You to Muppet Guy Smiley
He is much cooler.
You took out " trash " in
Beacon Hill. Of course, it was
Recycling day.
Issue Date: November 14 - 21, 2002
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