Yet another ban in Boston?
Whether you smoke or not, there are plenty of good reasons to oppose the proposed ban on smoking in all workplaces in Boston, including nightclubs and bars. (See the Phoenix’s editorial opposing the ban, " Big Brother is Watching, " October 17, on this site.) And now, you have one last chance to make your voice known. On Monday, November 18, at 4 p.m., in the Christopher Ianella Room, on the fifth floor of City Hall, City Council will hold public hearings on the issue. City counselors will not make the final decision on the smoking ban, which belongs in the hands of the city’s public-health commission. But the council is hosting this forum for public debate of the issue. It’s a culture-altering measure, one that further curtails social freedom, and that’s why it’s important to attend.
Issue Date: November 14 - 21, 2002
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