New Lydon series debuts this Sunday
Former Connection host Christopher Lydon is back — at least for seven weeks (see " The Reconnection, " This Just In, January 24). The Whole Wide World, a series of programs on the impact of globalism, will debut this week in selected cities, including Boston, where the first installment can be heard this Sunday, March 16, at 6 p.m. on WGBH Radio (89.7 FM). The series is being distributed by Public Radio International.
" We’re one global species in a peck of global trouble, " according to a description of the series posted on its Web site. " We live in a single, shrinking stewpot of culture, climate, viruses, medicine, money, terror, and TV images. Help us sort the trends that could kill us from the ones that could make us stronger, maybe wiser. "
Episode one features development economist Jeffrey Sachs and writer Zadie Smith.
For more information, and to listen online, go to www.thewholewideworld.net
Issue Date: March 13 - 20, 2003
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