The Blair pitch project
Cape Cod businessman Jon Sanford, 42, is not a huge fan of Tony Blair. " He’s the leader of the Labor Party, " Sanford says. " If I had to associate with a British political party, it would be the Conservatives. " Nonetheless, Sanford has started a Web site,, upon which he not only extols Blair’s virtues ( " Whereas, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, has vigorously supported the United States in the disarmament of Iraq " ) but invites Americans to send Blair a little thank-you note ( " Messages will be printed on paper and shipped weekly to the Prime Minister’s office at 10 Downing Street in London " ). We asked Sanford why.
Q: What made you set this site up?
A: Well, probably because I was deranged — don’t print that. Basically, I was looking to create a positive outlet for people to express themselves.
Q: Are you an Anglophile?
A: I’d say I have an interest in international affairs. I wouldn’t say specifically England. I’d say I’m interested in the UK.
Q: What kind of feedback have you had?
A: Very positive. With all of these things you get some nasty-grams.
Q: Nasty-grams?
A: On the " Thank You, Tony " form, they thank him for being a murderer, things of that nature.
Q: Have you forwarded those to Downing Street?
A: No. I’m not trying to censor people, but if it’s not an appreciation, I’m not sending it along.
Q: Do you have any plans for a
A: No, probably not.
Q: Who’s a better leader, Tony or George W.?
A: I would say I’m definitely a Bush fan. I think that Blair is a gifted orator, and I think that Bush has a substantially different speaking style.
Q: That’s one way of putting it. There was one joint press conference where I was embarrassed for Bush — weren’t you?
A: I would never say that.
Q: I mean, Bush can hardly put two words together as far as I can see.
A: I think I’ll let that pass.
Q: Not everyone shares your positive view of Blair. On one Web site, someone wrote, " Tony Blair sucks Dubya’s dick. He’s Bush’s Poodle. "
A: I think that’s an unfair commentary or comparison. Interestingly, on the home page of my site, there’s a video clip in which Blair addresses that point.
Q: About sucking Dubya’s dick?
A: It’s a response to the poodle comment.
Q: Have you had any contact with Blair’s office?
A: No. I think I received a form letter in response, thanking me. It’s just a standard thank-you, a pro forma.
Q: Don’t you think you deserve more than that?
A: I am perfectly aware of how these things go. My expectations are nothing.
Q: Tony Blair is considered to be something of a sex symbol. Have you thought of adding more pictures to your site?
A: Well, I’ll have to consider that. I can’t say that I’m the most accomplished Web designer.
Q: Blair’s definitely better-looking than Bush, don’t you think?
A: I won’t offer a comment on that.
Issue Date: June 20 - 26, 2003
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