Bashing Bush: The sequel
When George W. Bush beat John Kerry last week, an entire generation of anti-Bush merchandise — from staid Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers to saucy LICK BUSH T-shirts — suddenly became obsolete. There’s still a lot of hatred out there, and plenty of despondent liberals looking to express it. But how? Fret not, lefties. An arsenal of new paraphernalia denigrating our 43rd president and anticipating his forced retirement in 2008 already is taking shape. And while the slogans on these items often lack the blunt force of BUCK FUSH or the clever elegance of RE-DEFEAT BUSH, there are a few keepers in the bunch. At IrregularTimes.com, you can choose from an array of 2008 presidential bumper stickers; while some are uninspiring (kucinich 2008), others are heartening, if slightly premature (BARACK OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT/THE SENATE WILL DO FOR NOW). The Gremlin (www.tshirtgremlin.com) has some snappy new offerings, including IMMORAL MINORITY and BUSH IS NOT MY PRESIDENT. (The latter was rolled out, presciently, on November 1.) Then there’s BeatBushGear.com, which offers a bevy of products emblazoned with what could be the best neo-anti-Bush line yet: 51 PERCENT IS NOT A MANDATE. Too highbrow? There are some scatologically satisfying options as well. T-Shirt King (www.t-shirtking.com) hawks a shirt offering this advice: HEY, GEORGE, TAKE CARE OF PLANET EARTH. IT’S NOT URANUS, YOU KNOW! (Get it? Uranus?) And remember, some merchandise — such as DemocracyMeansYou.com’s I PEE ON BUSHES dog tags — is just as fresh today as it was before the election. If none of these products works for you, though, don’t get depressed: with four more years of R&D, professional Bush-bashers should have plenty of good material to work with.