$80 million Estimated cost of outfitting about 30,000 McDonald’s employees in designer get-ups by Russell Simmons, Tommy Hilfiger, or P. Diddy, an idea the corporation is exploring to go along with its "I’m lovin’ it" campaign. — — — 10 Grams of botulinum toxin that, when released into central milk-storage tanks, would be enough to poison half a million people, according a new Stanford University report that was initially quashed by US authorities last month but released unchanged last week. — — — — — - "I’m the preteen Maggie Smith — if Maggie Smith had a stripper name." — 11-year-old Dakota Fanning, star of War of the Worlds (as told to MovieJuice.com) — — — One Ranking of Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) in an online poll on www.hottestussenator.com, which posed the question, "Who is the Hottest U.S. Senator (Not Counting Obama)?" — — — — — - "Bush, not being in his usual bubble, may have felt the stress, and his inability to confront the truth has become first nature for him. — From James Wolcott’s blog, speculating why Bush was "blinking like a madman" during an ITV pre–G8 Summit interview with Trevor Macdonald.