50. Super Smash Brothers Melee
As the middle child in the Super Smash Bros trio, Melee has retained a large number of fans, considering that Brawl should’ve rendered Melee outdated. Melee remains the preferred choice for those who want to... READ MORE
49. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Pop-culture tie-in games generally suck. Yet something about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — the pizza-eating reptiles who wisecracked their way into our hearts back in the late ’80s — naturally lent itself to video... READ MORE
48. Red Dead Redemption
Nowadays, it doesn’t take much for a game’s setting to stick out. So Rockstar’s wild-west epic — complete with Morricone-esque score — earns high marks to start by creating the world of New Austin, where... READ MORE
46. Left 4 Dead
Co-ops never felt more cooperative than in Left 4 Dead. Without friends — and good ones — you’re immediately zombie grub. It’s not just the most fun four people can have playing a video game,... READ MORE
45. Bubble Bobble
How did humble Bubble Bobble float its way to the top? The gameplay isn’t revolutionary, and it’s just about dragons who blow bubbles and hunt monsters and collect fruit, none of which are things dragons... READ MORE
44. Kirby's Adventure
The cuteness fools no one — Kirby is a Lovecraftian horror. Behind that gummy, pink maw is an endless sucking void that grinds enemies’ bones into stardust, their souls fueling his unslakeable hat fetish. HAL... READ MORE
43. GoldenEye 007
This ’97 N64 shooter boasts at least two utterly unique qualities. It’s the only game, ever, to feature the crude likeness of both Pierce Brosnan and Famke Janssen, and it’s the only licensed game, ever,... READ MORE
42. Final Fantasy VI
In the mid-'90s, we’d come to expect certain things out of games, like a strong protagonist who will swoop in and save the world just in the nick of time. Final Fantasy VI subverted those... READ MORE