SHEAR MADNESS | The dramatis personae of the audience-participation whodunit (which is now the longest-running non-musical in American theater history, having run 29 years in Boston) continue to comb Newbury Street for the murderer of a classical pianist who lived over the unisex hair salon where the show is set. | Charles Playhouse Stage II, 74 Warrenton St, Boston | 617.426.5225 | Indefinitely | Curtain 8 pm Tues-Fri | 6 + 9 pm Sat | 3 + 7 pm Sun | $42; $31.50 with AAA discount; half-price college-student rush, one ticket per college ID, at the box office, one hour prior to curtain
Perfect Tenn, Cry me a river, I sink, therefore I am, More
- Perfect Tenn
When Tennessee Williams summered in Provincetown in the early 1940s, Eugene O’Neill was the playwright most associated with the tip of the Cape.
- Cry me a river
It would seem that Sophocles has been hanging around for 2500 years waiting to be improved — and the makeover artists have been numerous.
- I sink, therefore I am
Seascape , Edward Albee’s 1975 Pulitzer-winning meditation on evolution and mortality, gets all wet at Zeitgeist Stage Company.
- Mad Horse starts new midweek theater series
This month, Mad Horse Theater Company offers the inaugural installment of a new way to savor theater: in an array of morsels, with no waiting until the weekend.
- A powerhouse play
For a play titled Small Tragedy , playwright Craig Lucas certainly has packed in a bundle of large feelings.
- Year in Theater: Staged right
It's been a Buckingham Palace season on the local rialto.
- Winter's tales
The cold season heats up on Boston boards
- A Raisin in the Sun at Trinity, Bad Jazz at Zeitgeist
The centerpiece of George C. Wolfe's 1986 satire The Colored Museum is a scathing sketch called The Last Mama-on-the-Couch Play . A Raisin in the Sun is the über-mama-on-the-couch play.
- The Secret Rapture at Trinity Repertory Company
David Hare's The Secret Rapture , which Trinity Repertory Company is presenting through March 29.
- Blackbird at SpeakEasy
The year 2007 was a banner one for British theater.
- Death and transfiguration
There are some playwrights whose work makes you think that a night at the theater is going to be an eat-your-vegetables affair, but then you see a sharp production of one of their plays and you realize the menu is meatier than you had remembered.
- Play by Play: March 13, 2009
A compilation of theater productions in and around Boston
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, Entertainment, Robert Johnson, U.S. Marine Corps, More
, Entertainment, Robert Johnson, U.S. Marine Corps, Jim Rice, The Marx Brothers, William Shakespeare, Monty Python, Johnny Depp, Anthony Williams, Paula Plum, Less