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Porcelain Raft eases out of the shadows

Calming effect
Although Porcelain Raft released their debut full-length, Strange Weekend (Secretly Canadian), earlier this year, the project's mastermind, Mauro Remiddi, is no novice.
By: ANNIE ZALESKI  |  May 22, 2012


Total Bummer Fest and the quest for a local scene

The coolest summer camp ever
In the corner of an enormous warehouse in the Winter Park neighborhood of Orlando, Florida, 40 or so kids are sitting on the floor in a semicircle, cross-legged.
By: LIZ PELLY  |  May 18, 2012


Bon Mots

A little salt of the earth with a whole lot of sexy
During a late-night car ride, three friends from Boulder, Colorado, began regaling each other with stories, as people trapped in a car for hours are wont to do.
By: CASSANDRA LANDRY  |  May 17, 2012


The Florida rapper shows her Pryde

Hello Kitty
Kitty Pryde is a teen rapper from Daytona, Florida.
By: LIZ PELLY  |  May 16, 2012


BREAKING: 101.7 WFNX is being sold to ClearChannel pending FCC approval

Read the memo sent to the staff at the Boston Phoenix .
"Since 1983 the station has played an historic role in bringing new music to audiences in and around Boston ... "
By: PHOENIX STAFF  |  May 16, 2012


Razormaze adds focus to their thrash

Sharper image
For a kind-of goofy metal dude, Alex Citrone is pretty serious — especially when he talks metal, and especially when he's talking about his band, Boston shred titans Razormaze.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  May 15, 2012


The punk business plan of Cock Sparrer

Oi! To the World
If you play in, work with, or write about bands, you've doubtlessly listened to dozens of wheeler-and-dealers pitch purportedly clever plans to "make it" in the music biz.
By: BARRY THOMPSON  |  May 15, 2012


Maps & Atlases stretch out their sounds

Creative canvas
The real joy of listening to Maps & Atlases' music doesn't come from how it sounds but from what it makes you see.
By: REYAN ALI  |  May 15, 2012


Active Child is preaching from the choir

Urban hymns
Since the invention of music, dudes have been harnessing their natural singing talents for one specific purpose: to pick up babes.
By: LUKE O'NEIL  |  May 08, 2012


The Feelies look back by moving forward

Jersey sure
Legendary New Jersey underground rockers the Feelies have always existed outside genre boundaries.
By: ANNIE ZALESKI  |  May 08, 2012


Catching up with the world of Dom

American boy
In many respects, the much-ballyhooed demise of the so-called "rock star" is a real thing.
By: BARRY THOMPSON  |  May 11, 2012


Confronting the Swedish gloom of In Solitude

Cold spell
When I am finally able to get through to the cell phone of In Solitude's tour manager, they have emerged from a massive dust cloud, their metal-mobile finding civilization after a long spell traversing the deserts of Arizona with no idea where they are going.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  May 08, 2012

[R.I.P.] Adam Yauch and the Beastie Boys

Revenge of the Nerds
ADAM YAUCH, a/k/a MCA, was likely inspired to pen those words, that appear in a tossed off couplet in the middle of what would wind up being one of the band’s final singles, by his immersion in the world of illness.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  May 08, 2012


Colin Hay keeps life in perspective

Still at work
Last month, tragedy struck when Men at Work's Greg Ham was found dead April 19 in his home.
By: JONATHAN DONALDSON  |  May 01, 2012


Lost in the ethereal sound of Blouse

Modern-day escapism
Music is often meant to soothe, to relax the mind, and — at times of greatest need — to provide an escape from our drab daily grind.
By: MICHAEL MAROTTA  |  May 01, 2012


Eleven Boston rock bands go for a Ride

Nowhere, Mass.
Out of all the bands that toed the line between shoegaze and Britpop at the dawn of the '90s, perhaps none have been more overlooked than Ride.
By: MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER  |  May 03, 2012


Jen Johnson finds her ground with Velah

Rhymes with Stella
Last year was many things for many people, but 2011 as a whole just wasn't much fun for former Static of the Gods vocalist/guitarist Jen Johnson.
By: MICHAEL MAROTTA  |  May 01, 2012


Stefan Betke returns with new discoveries

Pole positioned
As one of the pioneers of the dub and glitch sub-genres of electronic music, Stefan Betke's reputation as a producer and mastering engineer almost supersede his identity as a composer.
By: JONATHAN DONALDSON  |  April 25, 2012


The folk battlecry of Bryan McPherson

Bad company
There's no shame in baring your soul for the pleasant old folkees who haunt open mic nights at your favorite independent coffee shop.
By: BARRY THOMPSON  |  April 26, 2012


The Shills change to stay the same

Natural progression
Youth is both the blessing and the curse of Boston's music landscape.
By: PERRY EATON  |  April 24, 2012

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