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LO500 Battle of the Week: World of Warcraft vs. The Sims

Do you pull for the plumb-bobs, or do you do it for the Horde?
The Sims and World of Warcraft both came out in the early aughts. The franchises are two of the most popular franchises of all time, alongside Myst , believe it or not. But unlike Myst , these two games have had years of expansion packs and upgrades.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  October 18, 2010


Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Shadow falls
I couldn't play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for five minutes without wanting to punch somebody involved in its creation.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  October 13, 2010


Review: Halo: Reach

A long goodbye
Throughout Halo: Reach 's campaign, you are haunted by the thought that, at the end, you will die — and that with your death, the Halo empire will come to an end.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  September 21, 2010


Review: Metroid: Other M

Mutiny on the bounty hunter
The best in-game storytelling I’ve seen occurs at the climax of Super Metroid .
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 14, 2010


Fall Games Preview: Worlds in motion

Fall video games bust a move
This November marks the fifth anniversary of Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, and four years since the launch of Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii. Yet there's no Xbox 720, PlayStation 4, or Super Wii anywhere in sight.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 14, 2010


Review: Mafia II

Just when you think you're in, Mafia II pushes you back out
Thanks to Goodfellas , The Sopranos , and, oh yeah, The Godfather , the life of a wiseguy has been pretty well deromanticized in popular culture. Credit Mafia II , then, with the difficult task of deconstructing the genre even farther.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 07, 2010


The Laser Orgy 500: the Phoenix's quest to crown the greatest video game of all time

Battle royal
It all began, as most of our ideas do, with a silly argument at the Phoenix office.
By: RYAN STEWART  |  September 07, 2010


Review: Hydro Thunder: Hurricane

Hurricane Force: riding a high tide
Another summer, another wave of critically acclaimed downloadable games.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 01, 2010


Review: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: The Game

This video game sticks to its niche
The Scott Pilgrim vs. the World franchise is a dork media triathlon encompassing the original graphic-novel series, the movie, and now the video game. Each piece of the Scott Pilgrim tri-force seems designed to persuade you to seek out the other two.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  August 29, 2010


Review: Starcraft II

It's not too late to join the party
Imagine a game of chess. Now, imagine playing five chess games at the same time, as fast as you can. That would only scratch the surface of the skills you need to play StarCraft .
By: MADDY MYERS  |  August 15, 2010


Review: Limbo

How low can you go?
"A masterpiece." "Close to perfect." "Genius." "Essential, must-play experience." All these quotes appear on the Metacritic page for a game called Limbo . I'd sure like to play that game. There must have been some kind of mix-up with what I downloaded.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  August 04, 2010


Review: DeathSpank

Ron Gilbert flogs the funny bone
"I run into these contrived situations a lot," admits the eponymous hero of DeathSpank , shortly after accepting his zillionth bizarre task from a complete stranger.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  July 27, 2010

Player betrayers

World of Warcraft's privacy-breach bummer
On July 6, Blizzard Entertainment announced that the forums on its immensely popular World of Warcraft would begin to show players' legal names instead of their character names. Blizzard's explanation? "Removing the veil of anonymity typical to online dialogue will contribute to a more positive forum environment."
By: MADDY MYERS  |  July 28, 2010


Review: Crackdown 2

Power struggle
It's the curse of the sequel. Crackdown 2 isn't a radical departure from its predecessor. But it feels like a letdown.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  July 13, 2010


Review: Singularity

If you haven't played any shooters for the past few years, Singularity will blow your mind. If you have, you probably won't be impressed — "formulaic" doesn't begin to cover it. Still, in spite of copycatting its competitors, Singularity has its charms.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  July 09, 2010


Review: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

The latest Metal Gear Solid sends mixed signals
For a couple of hours, I was enjoying the latest iteration of the long-running Metal Gear Solid series, which is called Peace Walker . Unlike the massive, bloated, self-important Metal Gear Solid 4 , this portable installment felt lean and mean.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  July 02, 2010


Review: Green Day: Rock Band

Repeat, repeat
Activision has pumped out rhythm games centered on a single band — Aerosmith, Metallica, and Van Halen have all had their own Guitar Hero . Harmonix has offered only The Beatles: Rock Band . Until now.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  June 24, 2010


Review: Red Dead Redemption

Grand Theft Oater?
The land doesn't care. Not about the storms that blow across its plains. Not about the animals that stalk one another through its grasses. And certainly not about the men who occasionally appear over the horizon and try to build a civilization on its sands.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  June 21, 2010


Review: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Star-crossed: not quite super
Say this for Super Mario: he still seems to be having a good time.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  June 14, 2010


Review: Alan Wake

Shadowplay: Remedy Entertainment puts on a light show
Alan Wake  proves, once again, that developers don’t need to reinvent entire genres to make a good game — they simply need to play to their strengths.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  June 01, 2010

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