Rotten Apple

Letters to the Boston editor, May 28, 2010

I appreciated your timely article on Apple’s evolution from underdog to corporate bully. I would like to add one more bit of evidence as proof of that transformation. About two weeks ago, I logged onto, the music site where you can purchase songs to stream over the Internet for 10 cents, only to find this message on the opening page: “The Lala service will shut down on May 31st.” Why? Because Apple purchased Lala in December 2009, saw the threat it posed to iTunes’ digital-music hegemony, and promptly put the kibosh on one of the Internet’s best resources for discovering and purchasing music legitimately.

I would like to say I’ll never use iTunes again, but knowing that’s a hollow promise, I plan to just stay pissed at Apple, rant against them as much as possible, and hope that, once the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission are done investigating possible antitrust violations in regards to the Apple-versus-Adobe feud, they find time to take a hard look at iTunes, too.

Andrew Tonelli

A fitting tribute to a real Starr
Of the more than dozens of articles I’ve read since the passing of the rapper Guru, Chris Faraone’s “Guru’s Guru” has to be one of the most insightful, heart-warming, creative pieces out there. I’ve actually been close to crying at some points. Chris, you should be proud of this truly authentic story. I can admit that I focus on the negative of this situation (cursing Solar). Thanks for refocusing me by pointing out all the good.

Like the saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words; your use of (several) forms of media was worth 100,000! I’m still very heartbroken that this wonderful talent is no longer with us, and honestly upset with him at the same time for falling victim to the evils of society. However, I stop and realize that he was only human. Hopefully, closure is in sight so that Keith Elam’s soul can rest in peace.

Marzell Brown
East Windsor, New Jersey

Related: P.O.S. | Never Better, Slideshow: Common and Kid Cudi at House of Blues, Due Dilla-gence, More more >
  Topics: Letters , Internet, Science and Technology, Technology,  More more >
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  •   STEIN'S BACK  |  September 12, 2012
    I didn't know she was here, but I'll be voting for her [Jill Stein] because neither major party gives a shit about me.
  •   LETTERS TO THE BOSTON EDITORS, SEPTEMBER 7, 2012  |  September 05, 2012
    Jill Stein has not called for the dismantling of the CIA, the DHS, or the NSS.
  •   THE HIPSTER CANDIDATE  |  August 29, 2012
    Stein has spent the past decade hammering inequities that the increasingly broke public claims it wants corrected." Truly, she's the hipster candidate.
  •   LETTERS TO THE BOSTON PHOENIX EDITORS, AUGUST 24, 2012  |  August 22, 2012
    It's clear that the heart of "Gone Begging" was a call for more infrastructural support for the arts.
  •   ART ATTACK  |  August 15, 2012
    It's true Boston is a culturally conservative city with a lackluster contemporary art scene.

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