Counter 'attack'

Letters to the Boston editor, March 18, 2011
By BOSTON PHOENIX LETTERS  |  March 24, 2011



The recent ruling by the State Appeals Court overturning my 2007 disorderly conduct conviction in Provincetown is nothing short of rare vindication (see "P-town's Not-So-Secret Vice," editorial, October 5, 2007). People need to know that they cannot be arrested, beaten, and prosecuted for saying something the police find objectionable in a private back yard (whether it was said or, in my case, it was not). This is illegal. It is unconstitutional, and should never happen to you or someone you love. That the Provincetown Police Department and district attorney of the Cape and Islands saw it any other way makes a mockery of our entire judicial system. I knew early on that the fight would have to be brought to Boston, where the law is actually followed. Unfortunately, it took a lot of resources, time, and sleepless nights to hold the Provincetown PD and other officials accountable for their actions. For now, I will wear the remaining resisting-arrest charge as a badge of honor. I did not do any such thing, but to have that overturned in this state seems impossible. The police are protected beyond reason, which dirties the badges of cops who are decent and honest. I tried to do the right thing. Thank you for your kind support during this long struggle.

Barry Scott


I have been on the fringe of the Penny Arcade "dickwolves" controversy, and I found a lot of the bluster as pointless, because I understood fully what the original comic was trying to say. In this vein, I feel your article "When Dickwolves Attack" (March 4) comes off as a hatchet job, with a smattering of sour grapes and a twist of insincerity.

Instead of providing valid context and citing references, this article picks at the scab that was forming over this issue. I'm hoping that the controversy actually and finally fizzles out after this, and everyone who is genuinely offended comes to understand that rescue quests are actually rather creepy and deserve whatever mockery they get. In the meantime, I await the coming Penny Arcade demographic that is "hungry for rape material."

Tom Leidy
San Francisco

Related: Responses to the Dickwolves Debacle, The Phoenix's Greatest Hits of 2011, Occupy Cape Cod is showing the kids that experience pays off, More more >
  Topics: Letters , Cape Cod, Provincetown, Provincetown Police Department,  More more >
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