Filling in the blanks

Letters to the Boston editors, August 19, 2011
By BOSTON PHOENIX LETTERS  |  August 17, 2011



In reference to Karl Stevens's "From Morons to Assholes" cartoon in your July 14 issue ("Failure"), I believe that he is missing some people on his list: Elliott Spitzer (Douchebag), John Edwards (Asshole), Anthony Weiner (Douchebag), Bill Clinton (Coward), Nancy Pelosi (Simpleton), and Barney Frank (Coward).

It appears that Stevens focuses his ire on conservatives, Republicans, Christians, or people who have political beliefs other than his own. In doing that, he fails to recognize that there are people from both sides of the political spectrum that should be classified on his list.

Instead of being an objective observer, which is the supposed basic tenet of liberalism, Stevens chooses to let his ideological biases taint his argument. In doing so, it takes away from the validity and overall impact of his cartoon.



I read Eugenia Williamson's article on Kindles and libraries ("Will Kindles Kill Libraries?", July 29) with interest.

Not to presume upon her awareness, but I'd like to suggest that Kindles, and all wireless technology, are much more likely to kill people and other forms of life than libraries are. Microwave energy is life-negative, and the only known safe dose is zero. This includes wireless computers and Wi-Fi networks. It's not just the devices, either, but the cell-phone towers, which run 24-seven.

There's a ton of information online about the dangers. Perhaps Ms. Williamson will take interest in this, look into it a bit, and entreat her editor to address the subject in the Phoenix. Our fascination with technology amounts to a drug addiction, while we are damaging the planet and killing ourselves for convenience. It's pure, induced, widespread insanity.



It was August 14, 1971, when I met my future partner. Who would have ever thought that a chance meeting through a personal ad would have led to four decades of bliss? To be sure, there have been ups and downs, a few spats and disagreements, but we've been able to weather the storm.

Overdue thanks to the Boston Phoenix for allowing us to embark on such a remarkable and loving journey through time.


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