
Photos: Guy Fawkes Day

Anonymous protest against Church of Scientology, Boston, MA, October 11, 2008
By MATT TEUTEN  |  October 15, 2008


READ THE FULL STORY: Battling Scientology: Anonymous's Gregg Housh is committed to bringing down the Church of Scientology. Is he a gadfly or a goon? BY CHRIS FARAONE

Anonymous protest of Scientology, Boston, MA, October 11, 2008

Photo by Matt Teuten

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1 of 14 (results 14)
  • Scientology defector tells all
    If every last allegation that Church of Scientology (CoS) defector Nancy Many charges in My Billion Year Contract is true, then her book should inspire several FBI raids and a Lifetime mini-series to rival any Charles Manson documentary.
  • Battling Scientology
    In a world wracked with uncertainty, there is at least one thing you can bet on: pick a fight with the Church of Scientology, and its leaders will fight back — always with vigor, often with a vengeance, and sometimes with litigation that can be long and costly.  
  • Choosing my religion
    There’s nothing that strikes me as heroic or important about Gregg Housh’s farcical jihad against Scientology.  
  • More more >
  Topics: News Features , Culture and Lifestyle , Religion , Church of Scientology ,  More more >
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